
On The Carbon Tax

It's a no-brainer that the three - you read that right - carbon taxes need to be repealed as soon as logically possible. Taxes are regressive and won't do a single thing claimed. Correction. It will mean more cash flow for the government.

It's the Great Swindle.

You should be able to spot crony climate grifting by now. 

This government is an optics and ethical disaster. Recently, for example, the spendthrift Governor-General has been seen jet-setting around the world in jets and limos like her boss. 

I'm sure she's conducting crucial business on our behalf.

Like the Senate, the Governor-General is nothing but an appointed crony.

They offer nothing to Canada. 

So how do we know Canadians are getting fleeced?

Look at the countries without a carbon tax.

India, Russia, China, Brazil and the United States. 

I'll let you figure out the point here.

Any questions? 

Canada's democracy and prosperity are eroding and dwindling.



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