
Question For The Ideologue Dullard Justin Trudeau And His Climate Change Zealots

Justin et al, (hello Chyrstia!),

How much do you figure that the war you, Anand and Chrystia are prosecuting contributes to climate change? As belligerents who refused to engage in peace talks, what do you reckon is the emissions released through the tanks, jets and weapons? You speak of manufacturing and production of arms but remind me what do we use to build those? Oil and gas perhaps?

How do you square that?

Oh, but it's ok. Canada banned single-use plastics. A cheap, inexpensive material that keeps our food safe and our lives more manageable and convenient. 

We'll be replacing those with...paper, metal and bamboo.

An optimist will hope someone will invent another material. Perhaps.

Banning plastics and ramming carbon taxes will not result in the desired objective. You can count on this. 

But in the meantime, we're run by ignorant, punitive, petty, and immature dullards.

Best you understand this. 

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