
Calling Out Julius Grey: Where Are You?

Growing up Julius Grey was a constitutional lawyer  the face of challenging laws that infringed on the rights of people.

It was Grey this. Grey that.

Decades later and with a fat bank account I'm assure, you would think Grey would step into the ring and help in the fight in preserving our constitution and rights.

But he's been silent.

Clearly money talks.

I don't care about all the little rules and laws these class has where they can find ways to not do the right thing.

At some point there comes a time in everyman's life who has the power to make a difference should.

Lest he be a coward.

Grey's input would be, if anything, a great boost to the 'anti-Covid measures' camp which is at the moment dispirited and fragmented.

Where are all the lions? 


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