
Australia's Loss Of Reason And Humanity

I've no more words at how the Australians are behaving during this moral panic.

They've lost all sense and acting like a bunch of quacks.

We're no better here in Canada but Australia is on another level or retardedness.

This masks things HAS TO TO STOP.

Only people who love control, anti-social and jerk scientists love masks.

Look at what happens when you don't 'follow science'. 

Australian police arrest an elderly man not wearing a mask outside, gets a seizure and goes under cardiac arrest.

How is any of this about 'public health'. Australia barely records any deaths due to this stupid over rated virus but their ACTIONS are killing more people. It's the same in New Zealand.

He posed no harm or danger to himself or society despite the BULL SHIT lies they peddle about healthy people. 

This is attempt murder by the state. This is on ALL of Australia. Every single damn official, doctor and cop who consent. They're complicit in murder. 


Appalled and disgusted with the UK, New Zealand, Australia and Canada. The USA is teetering but are holding off the psychos.


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