
Covid And Variants: Notice How The Media Operates; Legault Is Basically Rogue

Right now our biggest problem is not being able to extricate ourselves from the grip of epidemiologists who constantly warn of disasters two months out with worst case scenario models.

This ordinarily shouldn't be a problem if we had sound and strong leadership but clearly we do not. Leaders seem to be hypnotized by them and medical bureaucrats.

At this rate, we won't be allowed to drive cars.

The media in particular continues to be highly problematic in spreading fear.

Alas, the fault here lies squarely on people. They're letting themselves be manipulated.

Now the media is hammering the variants fear.


And there are no shortage of epidefearmongers to push it. We know of Colin Furness and Isaac Bogusch. 

But now CTV found another pair of dames from B.C..

Who, predictably, present the worst case scenario of 4000 cases in Quebec.

As most respectable and reputable epidemiologists not interviewed in Canadian media have warned people to not panic and to relax, Canada chooses to constantly play on the hysterics.

The variant is not likely to be deadly (it's not the case in Europe) so how were they going to spin around this since it doesn't sound scary enough?

Like this:

An increase like that in the transmission rate is worse than a higher severity or mortality rate, because so many more people can get infected,” they explained.

Notice how now the shift is moving from hospitalizations to just infections. She just explained any endemic virus.

Folks. You can't live life trying to avoid an infection.

Or else you won't live and have a life.


I know Legault is popular among French-Canadians (for some reason. The guy has shown himself to be one arrogant buffoon who says stupid things), but the bottom line is he is arguably the most rogue leader in Canadian history having imposed a curfew on a population. One that by his own admission has no basis in science whatsoever. And rather than put an end to such a despicable power grab, he predictably extended it because that's what weak leaders hiding behind medical bureaucrats do.

And if this decision was his own, it doesn't say much about his originality or his intellectual prowess.

He just wants to show the 'peuple' he's got their back that he's doing 'something'.

But what people aren't grasping is curfews run afoul UN conventions and our laws. I believe only the Federal government can impose a curfew and we're hardly in a drastic situation with Covid no matter how they try to spin it is.

Lawless and without scientific basis. This is the curfew.

Are people this apathetic and pathetic to accept it?

We're essentially in a situation where he can tell everyone to wrap their heads in saran wrap.

Why not? It's not like he follows anything remotely logical or scientific.

Legault has gone rogue. Let's hope the courts agree.

Pure utter chaos.


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