
Trudeau Gaslights Canada

In his mighty tumultuous and failed tenure as a fake Prime Minister, he has said many stupid things that has left many a Canadian concerned about the direction this country is pulling in.

He recently said he stands by protesting farmers in India much to the anger of the Indian government. So much so this has put a major dent in Canadian-Indian relations.

Yet, Trudeau over sees a nation where two provinces have tried as much as they could to suppress lockdown protests. In Quebec, the Legault government has taken the unprecedented and obtuse decision to allow police to obtain warrants within one hour to fine and/or arrest people 'because Covid-19'. They also fine people who don't wear masks in public protests. In Ontario, protestors are threatened with 100k fines and one-year in jail. Both provinces, in their anti-science, anti-human and pernicious illegality, have pummelled small business into close submission.

We're now in a situation where police tasered a soldier who served his nation in defence of liberty. 


Trudeau has remained silent on all this.

But what did you expect from this lightweight who supports BLM?

Commies and enemies of the people run amok. 

We're run by morally bankrupted bandits.

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