
Did You Hear? Biden Is Going To Appoint A Coronavirus Task Force!

Hero! Get ready America! Joe is gonna save y'all. Get those masks ready! 

Of course, the worthless media didn't ask this loser how was it any different than, you know, the one formed in March under Fauci.


He also wants to put bio-ethicist - people who look for ways to justify murder - Ezekiel Emmanuel on it.

This guy thought there would be 1-2 million Covid deaths.*

This sparkling and refreshing human basically - yes, he's the brother of another low life in Rahm Emmanuel - wants to cap life at 75. Joe Biden is 77.

And you should read what he thinks about infants and kids. Essentially they're useless for the state.

He's a monster.


This consideration is so beyond incredible considering Democrats are the party of 'you want to kill granny' and 'if we can save every life'. The vast majority of Covid deaths are with the 75 and older group. So in effect, Biden is bringing on someone who would recommend killing them.

This clown would feel right at home with Goebbels. 

Wonder if he'll take input from Cuomo who is now ranting like a lunatic he won't roll out any vaccine because Trump as he threatens more lockdowns. 

Party of science folks. Party of science. Take. A. Bow.

Sit back people. This is going to be one of the worst administrations in history. 

If he wins of course.

There's still hope to avoid this train wreck waiting to happen. 

*Actually, I believe the CDC's Redfield claimed this. Emmanuel claimed there would be 100 million cases by April.

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