
Canada Is Inferior To America On Matters Of Guns And Free Speech

As always predictable, whenever a shooting takes place, people look to blame guns and seek evermore gun control.

In the USA, the calls for gun-control (we speak as though they country doesn't have any when in fact it does) are limited by the Second Amendment. An irritant and inconvenience to the modern left. It's also kept under control because of statistics (ie gun homicides have been declining for decades. To navigate around this, advocates tend to conflate gang related murders and suicides in with deaths by guns thus distorting the figures to paint an ominous state of affairs).

In Canada, we already have tight and strict gun control so the calls for more makes it redundant. Yet, politicians are clamouring for more of it despite little reason or statistical literature to back their claims up.

We're at a critical point where we may one day outright confiscation.

Which would be a sad day for a country that once prided itself on its fierce pioneering independence.

We should stand shoulder to shoulder with our American cousins on this ideals rooted in liberty. Instead, we have chose to be more like Scandinavia (in all its social decadence and inability to defend its national interest) and London, England where violence has sky-rocketed (gee, I wonder why) despite strict gun-control.

The major problem I have, as with all punitive measures, is it punishes law-abiding citizens.

We even have arrogant politicians wondering why people want to own a gun even if it's for target shooting.

I'm one of those. I own a shot gun because I like to skeet shoot (admittedly which I don't do enough of at all). I've taken a liking to target shooting after doing so with American friends in New Hampshire and Vermont.

It's sport.

But the city of Montreal (and obviously Trudeau given his soy boy leanings) wants to deprive people like me of this sport even going as far as to mocking it.

Such superiors minds these geniuses.

Anyway.  Guess who I think in the comments make more sense to me?


I mention free speech in the title because of the fact this country believes in the notion of 'hate speech'.

Hate speech is just a straw man for justifying censorship. The whole purpose of the First Amendment is to protect those who hold unpopular speech people don't like.

It's so simple and beautiful in its concept it blows my mind how people can't grasp this epic position.

Canadians have no deep conceptual understanding of it like the USA does. And it reflects in our discourse and Charter.

Hence, why I argue Americans have a much more advanced and nuanced view on it.

Free speech = free will.

Compromise this and you lose personal agency.


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