
The Intellectual Dereliction Of The Left

I think most intelligent and observant minds knew it was a matter of time before the remedial classes would turn their attention to Thomas Jefferson and eventually all the Founding Fathers.

And so it was at the University of Virginia (the university founded by Jefferson), BLM covered Jefferson's statue with a tarp and enumerated their (absurd and irrational) demands.

There's something malignant and off about contemporary left-wing ideology. It's anti-intellectualsm is in plain view for all to witness.

Their behaviour reminds me of this passage in 'The Gulag Archipelago'.

The People’s Commissariat of Justice issued a directive, dated August 25, 1920, for the liquidation of relics of all kinds, since the were a significant obstacle to the resplendent movement toward a new, just society. p. 327.

Think Taliban. Think Sweden destroying Viking relics. Think removal of Confederate symbols.

Cultural cleansing to erase a past but the past is there whether we like it or not. It's already written in the minds of people; of a country. That's history. Words and symbols are just giving life to our memories and are part of the historical process. Censoring or removing them are shallow bits of actions with no real purpose.

Guess who BLM are in this scenario. 


Meanwhile, another group that doesn't speak for the majority - Antifa -  were asked by KC police to disarm at a rally. 

Right to self-defence they claim.


The whole race card angle is pretty much reaching a tipping point. At least I hope and trust it is. 

Saying 'boob = white supremacy" is what passes for intellectual currency in their ranks.

As if this wasn't preposterous enough, Hillary 'Black Soul' Clinton has been keeping her tired and pointless ass in the news in a pathetic and sad effort to remain relevant. It must be quite the miserable existence hers. Living to lust over power and control and not getting it clearly has left her one crusty and bitter woman.

She has quadrupled down on her assertion a combination of Russians, misogyny and racism did her in. Can there be anything more aggravating than a loser not accepting defeat while blaming others for it?

She was creamed yet she doesn't have the inner-strength and class to just remover her self-entitled ego from the public view.

The more she talks the more she reveals herself to be a loser. Not to mention showcasing her ignorance:

"Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism," the former secretary of state wrote in her new book, "What Happened." "This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos. This is what happens in George Orwell's classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered," she added.

Clinton concluded her line of reasoning with this rather confounding bit: "The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust toward exact the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves."

Much has been said about Trump admitting he doesn't read but I consider what Hillary said here to be far worse. How can anyone come away with this lesson from 1984 is comical and depressing to me. It's par for the course when it comes to the left on how their interpret literature and history. It means whatever they feel it means and Hillary just flat out invented her own nonsense.

I look forward to what the angry drunk voices in her head tell her what 'The Gulag Archipelago' is all about.

Alas, Hillary's drivel-babbling is a contagion with no boundaries. Ask California lawmakers who think they can stop Trump in 2020 should he run.

For demonic and the children people. Remember.


Russia didn't defeat Hillary. Trump beat Hillary. Hillary was beaten because she was an unlikable phony who ran an incompetent campaign rooted in arrogance and more arrogance.

Maybe the DNC needed a distraction?


Oh and let's not leave ESPN off the hook. The double standard is pretty impressive. Jemele Hill, a hack with little talent or original thought, made the usual baseless charge of Trump's 'white supremacist' leanings.

I haven't gone to or listen to ESPN in a few years now. Who needs to be lectured from the likes of Hill and others at that network?


And just to remind that up here, we're not without our own examples of how contemporary progressivism serves to work against the working and middle classes. The Liberals, led by a couple of multi-miilonaires who inherited their wealth, have decided to add a dash of class warfare to the mix. The hypocrisy of it all is quite astonishing.

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