
Census Us Or Else

The short-form census was mailed and received by every Canadian.

And like good sheep we have no problem disclosing personal information to unelected strangers. It's all perfectly normal especially the way they sell it. If you "choose" to not provide them with the requested information the world will basically end. Not only that, and it's clearly stipulated in bold, it's the law.

The questions were harmless enough: Name, gender, age, mother tongue, address.

What's the big deal? Just do it and shut up.

Here's the thing. If you're not into all the personal freedom stuff, then you may not consider this but some of us do.

The thing is, if someone of free will chooses to not answer the question they should not be threatened or coerced into doing so under any circumstance.

That's freedom. 

Freedom's imperfections in its contract between citizens and their government is part of the deal.

Alas, this notion is but a mere minor belief these days. The Harper government was morally right, to me personally anyway, to have attempted to make the long-form census voluntary. Some people have reservations in revealing information about themselves. We should respect that no matter how important we deem it.

Nothing is worth much if it's taken by threat or force.

I passed it off to my wife to answer. She harbours no worries about such trivialities.

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