
We're Statist Sheep!

I like this letter to the editor in regards to the ethics course:
It's astonishing how many of your readers support the notion of the state usurping parental authority to dictate what children learn about religion. I assume these letter-writers are equally enthusiastic about the state dictating what language we use in public.
Good grief, what a herd of statist sheep we are.
Madeleine Smith
Yo go girl!


  1. Commentator, it is a well known fact that, for any causes, activists groups are organized to monopolise talk shows and letters to the editor columns. So I have altoghether stopped listening to talk shows and writing to the editors. Time and stamps lost.

  2. Be that as it may, it does help with the posts!


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.