
Is Facebook Indirectly Linked to the CIA?

Personally, I don't get social networking. Mind you, I'm not that sociable in general so...

Yes, I did join MySpace and Facebook. MySpace because a friend invited me to support her "space." However, I never took it farther than that. Never invited anyone but I was stalked by some guy named Tom. Soon, I saw no point to it and jumped off. MySpace I sorta get. It works for many and legitimate artists who do use it as a tool to network and expose their ideas.

Facebook I don't get at all. It combines all our worst vices regarding gossip and voyeurism into one giant wasted rest area. It has zero social value. Again, a friend invited me and rather than insult him by declining I joined. Soon, I was getting tracked down by many people. I even ended up on a thread where editors and writers were present. Great I thought to myself. Maybe I could meet a few. Fat chance. These people had little interest in outsiders. Again, what was the point in my hanging around? Out I went.

Anyway, some friends of mine who are internet marketers and web designers explained to me the massive logistics and cash needed to create social sites like MySpace and Facebook - not to mention luck. It either catches or it doesn't. So much is involved that one of them remarked aloofly, "I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA is behind all this in some way. There isn't a better way to keep tabs on your population than social networking sites."

Then I found this and this. The first goes back to 2005 (and the site doesn't seem to update anymore) but is an interesting read nonetheless. The second is from a site called Brainsturbator. I enjoyed it so much that I added it on my Blinks in the square found in the sidebar. Unfortunately, I could not leave him a note about how I wanted to marry his blog since you have to be registered to leave comments.


  1. Additionally, there is this. This stuff is what keeps me from joining... added to the fact that the majority of users are as shallow as a thimble full of Smirnoff.


  2. Amen to that. I'd rather stay in contact with real mates than have 2 000 random people I don't know adding me as friends so that I feel obliged to make polite but uninteresting converstaion with them. In fact, I'd rather stop by random people's interesting blogs and drop comments :)

  3. Yeah, at least you "read" something all the way from South Africa. Tweet FM - funny.

  4. We're not all illiterate, you know :) Just kidding. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I agree with you on the issue of global warming.


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