
Regressive Canada Continues Its Corrupted Assault On Health

It really is impressive how backward this country is on health.

It really doesn't want you making decisions about your own health.

Duclos and Trudeau have become a pair of paternalistic tyrants and ignoramuses on matters of health.

It's all political. 

And financial.

Consider this blurb I came across:

Survey on Homeopathy awareness and usage in Canada: 10.3 million Canadians used homeopathy in 2022.

A new survey shows Canadians are using homeopathy in increasing numbers!

The survey found:
• 68% of Canadians are familiar with homeopathy.
• 83% of Canadians who have used homeopathy in their lifetime were satisfied.
• Canadians have used homeopathy:
o To care for a child (35%).
o In the context of a chronic disease (30%).
o As a result of ineffective treatment (23%).
"This is data that we have been waiting for and that speaks loud and clear! Why did more than a quarter of Canadians choose homeopathy in 2022? Because probably, for these 10 million people, it is an option that suits them." says Mr. Paul Labrèche, homeopath, president of the Coalition pour l'homéopathie au Québec (CPHQ) and vice-president of the Syndicat professionnel des homéopathes du Québec (SPHQ).

Did you read that carefully?

10.3 million Canadians.

And growing.

That's telling you Canadians are losing trust in allopathic medicine.

Of course, rather than conduct an introspective as to why this is the case, the powers that be are lazily and cynically blaming 'disinformation'. Whatever that means.

By acting this way, we will never have a meaningful debate and discussion about the state of Canadian public health. Without it, we can never reform our second-rate and demoralizing system.

Instead, all we'll continue to get is bad service and more authoritarian diktats from a corrupted and arrogant medical class.

This has nothing to do with health.

10.3 million people is a lot of customers taking business away from doctors. 

Can't have that.

Always follow the money.

Cui bono?

The attack on natural products is about CONTROL and MONEY.

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