
America Fallen

In two stories.

One from Alan Dershowitz about a nefarious lawyer's group threatening lawyers daring to defend Donald Trump. At this point, if this is not making you ask: is Trump that bad that he's being treated worse than a common criminal, then you're dead in the head and heart. If you can't see this as political, then you shouldn't be permitted to vote. Even Rachel Maddow of all people expressed as much. 

This is very, very serious. This is EXACTLY what you see in lawless banana republics run by dictators who claim to be 'protecting democracy.'

You think getting Trump is a good thing? Then you're not seeing the precedent being set here. 

And Tucker lays this out very well here. I don't know what more we can say or do to convince people to get off this carousel and not vote Liberal or Democrat. These people are mocking all of us. Tucker is really finding his voice and stride since he's gone off on his own. I watched his first four videos. I defy anyone to conclude it's 'extreme' and not on point. Because it's precisely on point. Normies be woken!

The Fox News producer had it right. Biden is a wannabe dictator just like Justin Trudeau. I try to give as much rope and benefit of the doubt with these two but there's no left to give. They are who they are. Petty despotic figures. 

Have chills down your spine yet? 

It should. 

We're in a bad place in North America.

Very bad place.

It could happen here? 

It just did.

What now?

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