
I See Fallen Nations And Psychopaths

Once upon a time, the music from the 1950s to the 1980s and somewhat into the 1990s often asked we 'question authority' and warned not to take politicians at face value. They sang of teenage angst and defended, above all, a value long lost: Freedom.

Instead we get 'protest' songs from Jagger and Grohl talking about getting a jab or youtube videos of people covering and desecrating a beautiful Leonard Cohen song about....the jab.

Indeed, what has happened to us?

See, while the culture wars gnawed at the periphery of our differences, we could all rely that at our foundation we all agreed in liberty. We all accepted to not cross a line in the sand that attacked and eroded our freedom of speech and expression.

This line has been eviscerated now. All bets are off. Lunatics from Arkham run the asylum personified by Kamala's disturbing and cackle and giggle. 

I don't recognize my country Canada anymore. I don't recognize - and no longer wish to recognize - my fellow citizens. They've all but abandoned their sense  of duty in defending their personal rights. They've swallowed whole this obscene narrative and now find themselves pushed into a corner where officials are extorting them to get the liberty stolen from them back.

A jab is not a 'passport to liberty'. A person or official who utters this phase is on the level of a drug pusher or criminal mobster. A psychopath. The CDC's recent mask recommendations are but from an organ filled wth psychopaths led by a wretched and unethical man. A liar and incompetent who ruined the lives and psyche of not just Americans but Canadians as well since the CDC's influence reaches well into this pathetic country equipped and armed with its own band of clowns. And these morally bankrupted miscreants running the United States at the moment along with their pals in the despicable media are just pouring gasoline onto the pain and chaos. 

Since when do we negotiate OUR RIGHTS? I understand a good number of people have willingly knelt before false gods (I trust the science as they say) and false virtue wrapped up in amulets in the form of toxic masks and relinquished their rights without a fight. But to the rest of s, there is no greater fight left to wage.

We look in the mirror we think we see a hero but in reality fallen angels are staring back at us.

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