
Private Conversations In Bed

Tax, Me...More

INT. Late morning. Bedroom.

Two losers sitting around. A few communist posters hang around the room.

T.C.: You know, they oughta change the sickle and hammer symbols.
Gordon: Why? I think it projects a certain proletariat nobility. It reminds us of how the rich class...
T.C.: Shut up. This from a guy who can't keep a job at Tim's.
Gordon: I kept getting mixed up. The tag said "maple" when I started reaching in but by the time I grabbed one, I was in the chocolate row. I don't get how I got the trajectory wrong.
T.C.: How about a fork and a spoon? It can symbolize nourishment - or lack thereof in a communist regime. Or you can have two hands ripping a piece of paper with the caption, "it's not rationing if you believe it."
Gordon: You really are brainwashed by Faux News.
T.C.: Like what you read is any better.
Gordon: Hey, Confiscation and Coercion Quarterly is damn good reporting.

T.C. looks over at a poster that says Tax me...More!

T.C. (points to it): You believe that?
Gordon: Of course, man. It's why everything is so fucked up. No one pays enough taxes; especially those rich pigs.
T.C.: Your father is the wealthiest man in town.
Gordon: I denounce it!
T.C.: More taxes, eh?
Gordon: To progress. I think.
T.C.: But the government already takes half your money. Not including sales, investment and gas taxes. ETC.
Gordon: See that out there, you right wing extreme Tea Bagger? That's my ride. It needs new hub caps. (beat) Why should I pay for organic milk? Who gonna pay for it, bitch?
T.C.: Right, I'm the extremist. Right.


  1. It seems to me the real question here is, what the heck were you doing in bed with Gordon?

  2. Ha. Didn't notice the error in my title.

    But if you insist... look! A rocket Unicorn!


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