
"Individual Freedom Tied To Development"

Who does this guy think he is? Hasn't he heard? Obama doesn't think this at all so he'd better catch up with the progressive lingo. Cuban punker Gorki Aguila ain't buying the commushit line. After all, he should know, he was arrested for "pre-criminal activity." Ah yes, welcome to "progressive" Cuba. I would absolutely love Michael Moore to try his shtick in Coooba! Nick from SE and I are in absolute agreement: There are more phony liberals than real ones.


  1. It's me (Nick) now going only by the letter S (hey, you remember I used to be known around these here parts as "Nikkolas 'S' Jakson", doncha?).

    Anyway, thanks for the mention of me and SE, once again, I should say. You and I, T.C., are actually more liberal (in the best sense of the word) than the liberals.

  2. Oh, I remember.

    Without doubt. I don't consider Media Matters, Washington Monthly, MSNBC and the like to be liberals in the classic sense. They're a bunch of whiny statists.

    They've lost the plot I'm afraid. When you have guys like Harry Reid and Bloomberg running amok, you have problems.

    Liberals today ask stupid things like "Does Limbaugh and Bachmann rhetoric lead to shootings?"



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