
Pondering Consistency And Obligation

Consistency and obligation are two words I've been contemplating for the last, oh let's say, few minutes.

Let's begin with consistency. Psychological studies have shown that people strive hard to be consistent. At least, they try hard to be. I wonder how many politicians and scholars/intellectuals fall under this category. It's a tough gig trying to be consistent. I further wonder how many people are killing themselves internally trying to be consistent. How many free spirits were forced to turn to consistency for one reason or another? Perhaps they perceived the immediate world around them to be too fragile and took it upon themselves to take charge?

I found this interesting. I know I try hard. Sometimes I wonder if we're consistent for the sake of it. "Oh, read The Commentator. He's consistent." Whatever that implies. Does it imply that consistency is tied into stability? To be consistent in our society is to be looked upon favourably. Being inconsistent is often interpreted to be incoherent.

Is this fair? After all, what is "consistent?" For example, intellectually speaking, if you're not consistent does this mean you are vulnerable to "flip flopping" on ideas? Or does it mean you are still searching for yourself? That you're open to ideas. Life isn't a zero sum game, right?

Obligation is a word that eludes many today. We often hear that responsibility and accountability are lost values today. If that's true, then the idea of obligation is tied into them. With responsibility comes obligation. Today, we don't feel obligated to do anything. They call it moral relativism and post-modernism.

"I know I should but I won't because I can" seems to be the prevailing attitude now.

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