
Aw, Shucks. Michael Moore Cares Aboot Canada



Well, Michael Moore weighed in with his intellectual and thoughtful comments on the Canadian elections. Gee, thanks, er, I guess Michael.

Yeah, we Canucks are one big joke. We're going to vote the Conservatives -drunk on doughnut juice - just to scare liberals. Now the new leitmotif among the left is that Harper is exactly like Bush. What nonsense. Like anything else, there are some similarities but there are some notable differences. Of course, people will only focus on what they want to see. There is some truth in that hyperbole and hysteria is all the modern left (hijackers of true liberalism) has in its arsenal.

Listen closely my caring cap-wearing angel, the Liberals have more than just 'splainin to do. They have to account for the continued destruction of military, the crisis in our hospitals and the millions they stole from the pockets from hard working Canadians (to name a precious few scandals).

If you really cared, this last point should have kept you locked up in your fancy penthouse. Isn't your whole platform based on speaking for the little guy? Ah, there's the kicker. You don't care, right. I mean, it's all an act to squeeze more money and attention to yourself, right? Funny guy you Yank. I get it now. You only care about using us as leverage - if I may indulge for a moment (hey, everyone is doing it these days) - to continue espousing your world view in the U.S. Smart as a precision missile you are.

Hey, I have to give you credit. You managed to fool the CBC.

The people who truly care about this country are beginning to question many things. Above all, they are justifiably disturbed by the lack of responsibility and accountability in modern Canadian affairs. They are not impressed by the lack of leadership either. In fact, I'm proud of Canadians for considering the Conservatives (who aren't quite ready for power in my opinion but such is the sad state of affairs here). It takes courage and guts to make such a turn; lest we forget that the obliteration of the Conservatives in the early 90s was the worst of its kind in Western political history.

The precedent is set and the Liberals are not immune. The Liberals do not stand for profound Canadian values such as accountability, independence and responsibility any longer. They need to be spanked.

Sometimes I wonder if Michael Moore even knows what he's talking about. His films are utterly deprived of truth (ok, let's call it selective truth) and historical accuracy. Moore should stay put in the USA.

Canada has enough problems to contend with. Just getting Canadians to recognize there are problems has been hard enough. Time to fix them and I highly doubt we can count on Moore to offer enlightened ideas. There are many Canadians who have the fortitude and integrity to adjust Canada.

One last thing, the ultimate irony here is the fact that Canada is a country that thrives on an old boy's network built on patronage. The Liberals seem to have taken this a step further by expropriating the people and their money for their own. For a supposed caring liberal, it is extremely revealing for him to overlook this reality.

Congratulations Michael, you now know nothing about two countries and still managed to get paid a lot of money. What's that saying? You can fool most of the people....

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