
Toronto Wounded Pride. Another Example 'Team Canada' Is Theatre

Well, this is interesting.

So, Toronto Pride is cancelled because....American money won't pay for it?

What happened to Team Canada and Buy Canadian?

We can't even pay for our own festivals?

And we think we're not a 51st state because? 

But this is very much in line with Canada. I've been talking about this feature in Canadian culture on and off for years now.

We simply don't invest in ourselves.

Even the hallowed Montreal Canadiens - a cultural institution in Quebec - rely on American corporate capital. It's the difference between risky dink and major leagues. The NHL itself became a viable commercial enterprise because of the United States. 

The Liberals and Freeland love to boast about how businesses invest in Canada. What they don't tell you is America makes up 50% of foreign direct investment.

Continue antagonizing them and you'll see that figure evaporate. 

Of course, the response will be "we'll replace them". No, they won't. They can't. These people don't understand business. They're bureaucrats. They know how to grift and hand money to cronies.

As usual, the media and Canadian culture tend to fall back on blaming the U.S. whenever there's a problem. Easier that way. The odd thing here is we didn't fund it ourselves. And that it comes after USAID was basically a CIA front as was suspected for decades. Chalk another one up for the conspiracy theorists. If they were a baseball hitter or slugger they'd be Tony Gwynn and Ted Williams.

We relied on American money. As we've always done. 

"Team Canada" hypocrisy on full display.

Want Pride? Show real pride and pay for it.

Alas, always easier to virtue signal and attack low hanging fruit like Trump.




The Die Is Cast

We live in a time of incoherence. 

War is peace and all that.

The West has lost all sense of itself. It has no 'there, there'. It's just a hut of ranting raving lunacy. 

No God, no faith, no reason. 

In one of the great works of Western philosophy and theology, St. Thomas Aquinas brought together faith and reason by synthesizing Christian theology with Aristotelian philosophy arguing that faith and reason are harmonious and complementary paths to truth. Christianity became the soul of Europe. 

The Age of Reason disgorged faith from reason. 

And we've been facing the consequences of this fall out ever since.

A couple of weeks back, Margaret Brennan of Face the Nation made a remarkable and startling claim in an interview with Marco Rubio stating that free speech caused the Holocaust. Rubio hit back with a strong rebuttal rooted in basic facts. Not conjecture or revisionism. Just basic facts. 

Facts and truths that governed us in the post-war era. No one ever said Nazi Germany was a bastion of free speech and that it led to a death machine.


Why? Because it wasn't true. 

JD Vance triggered controversy when he expressed concern that Europe was turning illiberal and hostile to free speech. 

It's the USA vs. the world. 

And the world is on the wrong side. 

It's not the USA who changed. They're reverting back to the essence of their mission: Liberty.

It's the world that has disengaged itself from "Pax Americana' by embracing wholly illiberal and collectivist attitudes and policies. It has no sense of its own existence anymore as it spirals evermore and deeper into authoritarianism and tyranny.

Unfortunately, this includes Canada which has decidedly took a turn for the worse missing that turn at Albuquerque.

Not that the U.S. is not without its own demons. The response from the American media and left was to run to Germany and run a piece on 60 Minutes about how Germany is arresting people for "hate speech" and meme sharing. Just 20, maybe even 15 years ago, we would have al recoiled at such outward aggression by the state on its own citizens free to express their opinions.

Now? People are slowly marinating in a spit of complete illiberalism and slowly accepting it.

More and more we're tearing at the seams. What's worse is that there are no ties that bind us anymore.

We're in the civil war. It has begun.

The sheer madness and determination to continue the Ukraine war is reminiscent of how the same catatonic mindset gripped Europeans heading into WWI. 

And like then, the power of propaganda is prevailing.

No God, no faith, no reason.

People who put God first saw what was happening in WWI was doomed to end in human catastrophe. The same people saw the Nazis coming.

But march on the Primrose Path we must because reasons.

Notice how the biggest proponents of war don't volunteer to go and fight themselves. If Ukraine is the last line for democracy and freedom (it's not) then go fight, no? Money where your cheap mouths are.

The Domino Theory is one helluva hallucinogenic. I'm not going to get into the weeds of Putin, Ukraine and NATO here. I've already tackled that. 

But then I saw this.

It involves low information far left dope Charlie Angus. What's remarkable here isn't just the language of a sitting MP (imagine if a conservative acted this way) but the abject sheer toxic ignorance on display. Angus is a poster child for modern illiberalism. He set up a petition to have Musk stripped of his Canadian citizenship which currently stands at 328 000. Which goes to show Canadians are miseducated authoritarians at heart. 

All because they disagree with someone. That's all that's about. It's not rooted in principles. It's rooted in animus hate.

Angus goes straight for the typical left tactic are accusing people who disagree with him as fascist. It's lazy and it's, well, stupid.

Low hanging fruit. A Jimmy Kimmel specialty. 

He mentions how his grandfather fought fascists.

Except the problem with this is that Ukraine in the war embraced Nazism and Nazism was aligned with fascism. Conversely, Russia - the Soviet Union under Stalin - was communist. All collectivist ideologies to be sure bur fascism never took root in Russia nor under Putin.

Bur somehow Putin is a fascist and you're a fascist for daring to question the West's position on the war.

There's no there, there.

It's Calvin Ball history. 

When the French Revolution took a decidedly illiberal turn under the Jacobins it unleashed a torrent of paranoia and violence. The bloodshed in the countryside was so grotesque the roads were tattered with corpses victims of the Reign of Terror. It was conducted with such fervour there was no way to stem it with reason or logic.

It just petered out on its own.

No God, no faith, no reason.

We're swimming very much in those same waters. 

Covid was a warning shot. The dividing of humans along non-essential/essential and vaccinated unvaccinated with the full force of the state taking sides removing cviil liberties from those who dissented came within whiskers of sending people to camps en masse. Quarantine camps were set up but only an unfortunate view had to witness it. But make no mistake the camps were in place.The population was more than primed and ready to sniff out and snitch on each other.

We were there.

And in some way still are.


Who are the patriots and who are the traitors?

Are people who questioned the irrational Covid response and worried about the negative consequences on not just on the overall health of people but on our collective civil liberties 'traitors?' 

The truckers were a response to not only aggressive mandates that were taken farthest in Canada than any country in the West but the sense that the government wasn't going to relinquish any of the power that came with it. In fact, they were signalling that they were prepared to go further still.

Flag waving then was a symbol of hate and division when it was nothing of the sort.

People will react in those circumstances. 

But the media and government did a masterful job of misrepresenting the facts and sometimes even lying outright to paint the truckers as enemies of the state.

In reality, they were driven by love of country. They correctly identified that we lost civil liberties likely never to return. 

A new precedent and baseline was set. It needed to be challenged.

Still needs to.

The authorities were wrong. None of it was rooted in rational science. It was scientism in the service of politics. 

Now the spin is those who side with Trump and want Canada to become a 51st state are traitors and that those who follow the authority of the state are patriots.

They got it backwards.

Patriotism flows bottom up. People are being told to close ranks like during Covid and that the "impure" threaten them. It's top-down patriotism. 'Buy Canada' is a by-product of the top-down approach. It's not organic. Organic Canadian patriotism was the convoy. Just look at how many Canadians turned out on the highways and overpasses while the convoy rolled towards Ottawa. It was genuine. 

People who witnessed it felt it. 

But "existential threats".

Divide and conquer.

We're in this together.

Ca va bien aller.


The Pavlovians have been told the Americans a predatorial threat but not China who actually are engaged in our affairs. We're both a colony of America and China at the same time.

We're enslaved subjects. Not free citizens. We can't identify an external threat properly we've become so thoroughly propagandized about Donald Trump. 

Again, people are pointing out that real threats are coming from within Canada. Trump is just pointing out and exploiting our weaknesses.

We have no one to blame but ourselves. 

People with a sober bent can see that this is not so much about annexation as it's a light being shine on the fact that Canada is in serious trouble.

Apparently this is enough to be labelled a traitor.

I don't see a political solution to this.

This is as much an emotional fracture as it is ideological. 

The trenches have been dug. There's no bridging this.

No olive branches.

Just a matter of time the lions clash with the prey. 

It's cynical but it's the story of history and human nature. We've been fortunate until now.

Especially Canada.

What makes us think that such blessings is going to last forever? 

We failed in the eternal vigilance part.

Now we must lie the bed we made.

The Die Is Cast.


On Liberal Leaders: Let's Be Clear

Liberal candidates are trying to convince Canadians why they're best equipped to Donald Trump.

Blah, blah.


Let's be clear here. None of The Green Grift Goblin Carney, Ms. Freezeland, Karina 'Karen Loves Nazis' Gould or the other guy - the one who scammed taxpayers during Covid selling ventilators that weren't needed or killed patients - are remotely strong enough, let along capable, to deal with Donald Trump.

Look at what he's doing.

Now look at them.


Freeland mistakes annoying nag with being 'strong', 

It's amazing but people believe the Liberals are the best choice to deal with the "threat" of America (even though China is the real threat) simply because they're just going to take a petulant 'na-ah we're not' stance.

Antagonizing the U.S. is NOT a wise political play.

Nor is refusing to cooperate with them. And no, we have not cooperated. We've been passive-aggressively humouring them.

And they know it.

Quebec And Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

If Canada has become disconnected from reality, Quebec is forming its own reality.

Quebec has grand plans.

Let's examine it.

Two things about Quebec. It sure loves climate change and it plans to give independence another whirl.

This time we're not going to get a "We love you. Please stay!' from Canada. More like, 'don't let the door hit you on the way out'.

If anything Trump showed us it's that Canada has hit a cul-de-sac.

He did us a favor. Not that we didn't already know we had major problems. It's just that we didn't feel the need to address them. Things were too good.

And just like that our good thing is now threatened.

But it was rooted in anything we earned.

This is the point about Trump. He sees we're a national security threat. And rather than accept this and work to fix it, we decided to try and capitalize on him for political expediency.

Smart move.

He's now saying what exactly do you offer? Besides being hewers of wood and drawers of water? 

As a result, the colonists hastily put together like Keystone Cops  a 'Team Canada' council to deal with Trump. It's going as you'd expect.


I expect the flag waving to subside and the patriots have to be finding it harder and harder to just 'Buy Canada' by now.

I know my last few posts are incorrigibly and caustically cynical but just calling it as I see it.

Some call this being a traitor.

I call it being a true patriot. I address our issues and point out there's no real interest to fix them.

From a weak Charter to inter-provincial barriers to serious shortcomings in the Parliamentary system. I don't see the country overcoming these. It would take too much will and courage.

And besides. Many believe things are still fine. "Best country in the world", right?

Yes, things are relatively still good in Canada comparatively but the competition isn't too stiff. But people are sensing that America is about to hit a golden age and that's the difference whereas Canada is deadset on staying the course into irrelevance. 

They want to be a part of it. 

I'm rambling.


Quebec is addicted to the green rift. Do they ask for green envelopes or will brown do? Asking for a friend. 

The battery plants exploded, excuse the pun. So what do they do? Sign wind power deals.

There's no end to it.

China, India, Russia Brazil and USA aren't following the theatrical Paris Accords but Canada will! And Quebec will be its best lap dog.

I think we've lost all out feet at this point at the amount times we shot them off.

And then there's independence. 

The new slick PQ leader Plamondon says we can do it.

At least he had the presence of mind to tackle the first hurdle. That's to make up for the loss of equalization payments when Quebec leaves.

Provinces aren't obligated to pay up once they leave and in the current state of geopolitical affairs are in no mood to play nice and negotiate with Quebec. Like Canada over rates its use to the U.S., Quebec does do with Canada. Already in a Confederation the provinces barely cooperate imagine when the Confederation splits! 

I can totes see Alberta offering a portion of the splits to Quebec.


At the moment, EPs represent about 2.7% of Quebec's GDP or about $5 billion. To offset this. Plamondon proposes to cut waste.His plan would save about $11 billion.

Not bad.

It's all hypothetical and the likelihood of it happening next to nil but at least he's aware that Quebec won't get free money.

Quebec isn't the worst offender placing 5th among the provinces per capital but still.

Its fiscal capacities is way behind Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C. Even Newfoundland doesn't get EPs.

If Quebec wants to go at it alone it's gonna have to go full rad. Like Ireland rad.

Savings - which Plamondon intends to reallocate into education and seniors facilities - is not gonna cut it. Not sure how a province with a strong socialist and collectivist ethos is going to keep spending under check.

The key is growth and productivity. This is where Quebec hits a snag. The business and cultural models in place are not conducive to an atmosphere where growth and productivity can thrive.

Let's take a gander at how Quebec figures when compared to fellow 60 jurisdictions in North America. 

According to Fraser, the procaine ranks 48th in productivity. 

It's 55th in GDP per capita. 

Quebec's total GDP is 13th.

So clearly we're not making the most of our potential.

As far as I know, there's no plan to address this.

Any plan to do so would encounter a major obstacle. Culture.

Quebec is to be lauded for its vigilance in protecting its culture. On this note, it's eons ahead of the "post-national state" that's become of Canada. 

But at what point does it become counterproductive?  It's the age old debate that's been consuming and confronting the province.

Here's the problem,

In order to grow and compete in a hyper-linked global economy, Quebec will need to attract the very best talent from all over the word and that means, gulp, having to make concessions on language.

No one is going to come here invest and set up shop with such onerous - and punitive - language laws. I won't get into the nitty-gritty of the laws themselves but suffice to say they're unique among Western nations.

And not in a good way.

Bill 96 was a completely unnecessary attack on English. There was no justification for it as the French language was stable in Quebec. But Legault, who seems to have a personal vendetta against the language as well as seeing it as a good way to offset his lagging popularity, decided to make lives difficult. Again, not going to get into what Bill 96 entails. Google it.

But laws like this one discourages and disincentivizes attracting talent.

People talk.

Social media.

Word gets around. Pst, don't set up in Quebec.

Growth rates in Canada are already somewhat low (around 1.6% for certain provinces) but it's downright anemic with Quebec at .2%.

Alberta is experiences positive net-migration inflows. It's the Texas and Florida of Canada. Quebec and Ontario are seeing drastic net outflows. People know where the butter's at.

Businesses look at this.

Yes, it can still attract larger corporations - largely thanks to various schemes including tax credits and tax forgiveness - but this is not what we should gun for.

It needs to attract entrepreneurs and highly skilled talent including the next generation of AI engineers. 

This is all conducted in English. If ti doesn't want to be a player content with crumbs, so be it.

But if it wants to be independent it's going to have to open itself up.

Few like to be told how to speak or where to send their kids to school. These are things that will matter when someone does their 'pros and cons' analysis. 

As it stands, Quebec isn't even it in the conversation. 

So how can a province with such a poor economic record possibly go off on its own?

It can't. Not without some major changes.

Simple as that.

Canada and Quebec with Lucy.

Freeland, Liberals And Pundits Have All Flipped Their Lids

I don't know what's going on in Canada anymore. 

I can'r read it. It's like everyone is part of one big psyche experiment. 

Last night was the Liberal "debate". It was more a discussion amongst colleagues. All that was missing was clinging glasses of Aperol Spritz offering a 'Cent'Anni'. 

It was terrible.



Boy were these loons on their game last night.

But let's forget Low Energy Mark for now. That guy swims alone in batshit waters. 

Dude gaslights with the best of them. "Our economy is weak and I'm the only one who could fix it'?

He's a one-man Hegelian Dialectic on his own. He literally guided and advised this government on economic policy for years. He broke it as much as Trudeau and Freeland did. Yet, he's the one to solve it? Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Mutumbo.

And polls claims this guy can win? /Makes sign of the cross. If he gets the nod - and he will because it's all setup to install him. No way a Bank of England with his grifting aspirations and connections is going risk it all by joining the Liberals only to lose. So the fix is in - he'll be worse than Trudeau. He's a climate change ideologue. He wants his grift. And that's that.

He also likes to say "We need one Canadian economy. Not 13.".  You're 80 years too late, Mark. There's no saving Canada. The provinces won't cooperate with one another. If Canada had anything resembling an independent media class and not this second rate Pravda shit it has going dependent on state hand outs, they'd ask Mark how exactly he plans to get Quebec and Alberta to work together? His policies serve Quebec well but not Alberta. Quebec is going to triple down on this climate change nonsense.

Inter-provincial barriers is the rule and not the exception. It's how Canada was built and operates. And that's how they like it. All this recent trend of Canadian "patriotism" is fleeting. What it takes to make Canada anywhere near as strong as the U.S. states is not going to happen. Let's stop pretending. 

Quick shout out to Karina Gould who blocks replies on her X account. Nothing screams I'm here to listen to you and strength like blocking user comments. She said something that should make anyone with a functioning set of brain cells laugh. "I'm all for productivity...but." 

I'm for free speech but....

She sounds like an unserious teenager who clearly has no grasp of economics. She's all for it like she's for orange slices at half time. She also has a plan to create "one million entrepreneurs."

Yuk, yuk.

Moving along. 

Ok. Chrystia Freezeland.

First the good, at least she's not spazzing.

Now the bad.

The really bad.

Like retarded bad.

Mentally retarded bad.

Chrystia says she's gonna lead the charge in bringing together countries to form an alliance to fight Trump because the U.S. is no longer a reliable ally. This is the prevailing posture not just among Liberals but pundits too.

Trump lives in their empty brains rent free.

Let's unpack this. As quickly as possible because I don't want to waste more time on these buffoons more than I have to.


Deep breath.

The plan, apparently, is to no longer depend on U.S. protection not by outlining a new plan to bolster the military (and good luck with that given the CAF's new Woke recruitment policy where "radicalized" Canadians are welcomed) but to swap out the Americans with a global alliance she plans to rally. She can do it because she was foreign minister.

Yes. And she should know why her plan is not only irresponsible but unrealistic. 

Chick's off her rocker to be blunt.

Who would be part of it?

Well, apparently Japan. The same Japan worried about China who recently signalled it's willing to cooperate with the U.S. on national security as well as having signed a LNG deal (more on this later). 

Yes, Japan is going to ditch the USA and join Canada in its search for suckers to mooch off on to protect us. Because the world needs more Canada.

South Korea. Even crazier a suggestion. Like Japan, they're worried about China. Plus never mind the U.S. has been present in the DMV since the end of the Korean War protecting the South from North Korea. Yup. Sounds like South Korea is ready to join Chrystia's personal crusade against DJ Trump. 

Australia? Australia takes national security very seriously. Much more than we do. Its military is capable of defending itself. It has 90 000 soldiers 57 000 of which are full time. Canada, with a much larger land mass, has 42 000 with only 21 000. Let that sink in.

Now you know why Chrystia wants to shop around, We're like the teenager who runs away from home convinced she'll find a better home that will see how great a person she is. Delusional. Loony-bin worthy.

Canada, by contrast, has scoffed off national security threats from China to the point it's not implausible we've become a province or colony of China. That's how long we've ignored the problem to the point 50 MPs are said to be compromised according to CSIS whistleblowers. Law enforcement has either been unwilling or incapable of dealing with the problem. The government simply would not support them. We still don't have a foreign registry. Not a single recommendation from the Rouleau POEC theatre has been implemented to guard against foreign interference. We're fed information from Five Eyes and we sit on it. Result? It's been years since they've shared any relevant or sensitive information with us. Three of its members have branched off to form AUKUS sans Canada. Now there are rumours the U.S. is seeking to potentially expel us from the Five Eyes. Next up NATO and G7?

A little different message from the retarded empty posturing from our Lilliputian intellectuals who have been shooting off their mouths about how we should kick the U.S. out of those organizations.

Imagine the level of disconnection from reality that has set where we have such an outsized perception of self-importance. We're irrelevant but somehow we believe we have any pull or influence in international affairs. Who the heck is listening to Melanie Joly?

I wouldn't let he manage a University class rebellion led along run foreign affairs. Illiterate and completely out of her league.

Trump almost on his own can put an end to Gaza and Ukraine while Canada can just make statements no one hears or listens to.

Know thy place.

Moving on. She also mentioned the Nordics. While it's unclear what Sweden, Norway or Denmark would do I know Finland is busy defending itself from Russia. It has 800 000 reservists ready to defend it. I highly doubt they're going to appreciate let alone listening to Canada ask it to join some infantile anti-trump global force which is just a euphemism for "Hey world, we kinda screwed up and we're in a punch. Trump is such a meanie. We want to use him to get elected so can you defend us?' 

That leaves France and the UK. The nuclear component of this alliance Freeland alluded to. This is the part that takes her plan from kooky-tarnation to dangerous. 

She wants to set up a tri-polar global system - to the extent we can makes sense of the irrational - of which "like minded" allies fight Russia and the U.S.. Two superpowers with enough nuclear weapons to wipe out earth. 

What is with Freeland, Liberals and the DNC and war? We know Chrystia has a hard war boner as an illiberal authoritarian but good God she needs to lay off the unregulated hooch from Norther Alberta.

I mentioned Japan and LNG earlier. When Trump was asked if he would use the military to invade Canada to make it a 51st state, he said he wouldn't. Instead he's use "economic force".

Largely believed to be tariffs.

But is it?

What could be happening is Trump is going to choke Canada off. 


We have natural resources we largely refuse to capitalize on. We refused to sell LNG to Germany and Japan.

Trump sees how we shoot ourselves in the foot. He knows full well where our weaknesses are. He's a shark. He smells blood.

And we're too busy acting like colonials trying to capitalize on his trolling precluding us from seeing the larger arc in play.

The U.S. is going to make those deals.

Now Russia is offering to supply the U.S. with critical minerals and aluminium. 

While we're busy over playing our hands again shooting our mouths off saying stupid things like "the U.S. depends on us", the U.S. is going to  make moves to make us less dependent. It's not interested in listening to a satellite cosplay as a power. 

So between Japan and Russia can see what "economic force" may look like.

Freeze us out.

Isolate us.

While Canada can only have a wet dream about doing that to Trump, the UNITED STATES as a country has the real power and currency to do just that to us.

I think we should all kneel and pray for God to give strength to our political and media classes to jolt them out of this illusory trance they're in because how we react to the U.S. will determine our future. 

At the moment we're our own worst enemy.

This is not a plan.


Canada Dissolving Like a Sugar Cube in Luke Warm Piss

This is a very cynical satirical hit piece on Canada - on purpose. Apologies for the disjointed ebb and flow. 


Once upon a time, there was a country. Or at least, that’s what it called itself. In reality, it was more of a polite suggestion. A demi-formed business write-off propped up by maple sap and the vague hope that nobody would ever ask it to do anything difficult. 

It had borders, sure. It has a government, kind of. It has a flag, but mostly it has vibes—soft, inoffensive, utterly neutered vibes. 

Speaking of flags, Canada spent a lot of energy deciding on one. And they settled on a maple leaf.

Is the maple tree unique to Canada? Nope. China has more and is found across Asia and Europe. Moreover, it produces a sticky liquid called maple syrup which is mostly produced in Quebec. Nothing  screams unity more than a tree found everywhere and whose extract is a key source of its national identity comes from one province. 

For a while, it was all fine.. Canada’s whole existence was based on one core belief: nothing bad ever really happens here.

Mostly because our best talent went to the U.S. to make things and make things happen there.

This was the national religion. Not Christianity, not secularism, but safety. Safety above all else. Safety from conflict. Safety from offense. Safety from the burden of having to think for yourself.

Helmet law for driving incoming! 

It was a country where a pothole takes ten years to fix (not really), but changing the lyrics to the national anthem? Immediate priority. Why? Because someone, somewhere, might feel something unpleasant for five fucking seconds, and in Canada, that’s basically a war crime.

All thy sons command....Not very DEI. 


How Canadians view rhemselves:

What they are:


A Nation Held Together by Politeness and Fear of Mean Words

The whole place reeked of passive-aggressive submission. Nobody really loved Canada, but they sure as hell hated the idea of anything different.

Patriotism? Too aggressive. Too.....MAGA.

History? Too problematic. What with it being white and Christian all that. 

Freedom? Sounds a little American, don’t you think?  Freedumbers. All of you!

Canada never built an identity—it just defined itself in the negative. We are not American. We are not loud. We are not a threat. We are not, we are not, we are not.

Then one day, the world turned and asked, Okay, but what the fuck are you?

Canada just stared blankly, mouth slightly open drooling, like a deer caught in the high beams of reality.

We're a multicultural post-national state that doesn't mind China buts hates Trump and only waving a flag of convenience when the government orders it.


What about Quebec? Whatever aches and ails Canada double it for Quebec. I won't go any further.

Loose profile of a Quebec official: 

The Great COVID Compliance Olympics

Then came COVID, and Canada faced its ultimate test: would it stand up for personal freedom, for civil liberties, for the idea that individuals had the right to make their own choices?

Of course not.

The government rolled out emergency measures designed for literal wartime, froze the bank accounts of protesters, and banned people from moving freely within their own country. And the people?

They nodded along like fucking NPCs stupidly conflating obedience for courage and gleefully dividing each other through dehumanizing and demonizing rhetoric. 

For our health. 

They clutched their masks, refreshed CBC new every five minutes, and prayed for stronger restrictions. They ratted out their neighbors like twitchy Soviet informants. They turned on their own countrymen with the enthusiasm of a junior hall monitor drunk on power and unlimited hall tickets. 

Detention for daring to question the narrative! 

Canadians saw themselves as part of the resistance. Against a mild virus. 

Remember when the government called truckers—blue-collar workers who spent months in isolation driving across the godforsaken tundra and Canadian shield—dangerous extremists?

The public nodded again, as if hypnotized swallowing whole one-sided misinformation. Even the facts that came out of POEC has shaken them out of their severe Stockholm Syndrome. 


"Yes, yes, of course, these honking bastards are the real threat. Please, Daddy Trudeau, make the mean HONK HONK  stop!" 

A Country With No Spine, No Teeth, and No Fucking Chance

Of course, none of this is technically a dictatorship. Gee, lucky us. But we're on the path. 

Look at our "media". There are no true dissenting alternative perspectives or media. Canada seeks to actively suppress speech as Bills C-10-11-18-36 seeks to do. Those are backdoor censorship laws by design. And Canadians still applaud. The government says Facebook threatens "democracy" then it must be true because why would the benevolent and enlightened government lie to people? 

Canadians consume Pravda and don't even realize it. It's not normal to have the entire punditry, political and "intellectual classes consistently close ranks. Ir's the hallmark of an authoritarian culture of dullards. 

A Canadian in his natural habitat reading "news" carefully curated for its sensitive ego and stomach:

No tanks in the streets. No coups. No big dramatic speeches about crushing dissent. Scratch that. We did squash dissent when  RCMP on horse back trampling on an Indigenous woman. 

Canada, we're told, is committed to freedom of assembly and the right to protest. As long as it's government approved. 

Because Canada didn’t need that. You don’t need force when the people willingly lick the boot.

Here’s the problem with that:

A nation that chooses subservience is no longer a nation. It’s a parking lot waiting to be repurposed.

And Canada? Canada is prime real estate.

  • Huge landmass
  • Unbelievable natural resources
  • No real military
  • No deep-seated belief in self-defense
  • No fucking clue how the real world works

It’s an empire’s wet dream.

The only reason it hasn’t been scooped up already is that America’s been busy arguing with itself. But the second Washington decides it wants in, Canada won’t resist.

It won’t even notice.

The Soft, Gentle American Takeover

When the annexation happens—and it will happen—there won’t be a war. We're watching the dissolving of Canada in real time. 

ITSOKAY we stand on guard for thee!

No invasions. No tanks rolling through Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, or Vancouver.

Just a slow, polite absorption. Ok. There'll be some shrieks of 'Boycott America' and lame attempts at forming guerrillas - WOLVERINES! - but....

A trade deal here.
A “mutual defense agreement” there.
A quiet cultural blending.

You'd be insane to not accept the peace and prosperity Pax Americana is about to embark on. We have to decide if we want in or out of it. 

One day, a new tax law will pass that looks suspiciously American.


338 flappy heads hard at work:


Then McDonald’s will start taking U.S. dollars only.

Just like that. 

Then a handful of MPs will casually suggest that it makes more sense to just... fold Canada into the States.

And nobody will protest.

Nobody will fight. Spill blood when an offer of USD is on the table? 

The public will just shrug, take a sip of their double-double, and say, Huh. Weird.

And then they’ll move the fuck on. 

Because, in the end, you can’t conquer a country that never really existed in the first place.

It was an interesting experiment. A tiny colony living next to the mightiest empire in history. We were an anomaly; an aberration. America had the grace to let us exist because why not? We posed no threat. We were a flappy headed peaceful kingdom.  Then we decided to act like irresponsible teenagers until mom and dad came back home and grounded us.

Everything's changed. Canada's internal weakness is reminiscent of any decaying nation or empire. A nation too weak from within can't defend itself against external aggression. 

But it's ok. If we fall we can always take comfort that the history books will record that at least....

We weren't American.