
Gaslight Science: Canada's Establishment Experts Call For An Inquiry

So here I am minding my business and I come across this Tweet on X by Globe & Mail health writer Andre Picard calling for an inquiry into the Covid response.

I had to unsquint my eyes to make sure I was reading right.

Oh yes, they did.

The same group of experts who helped to ferment a moral panic promulgating dubious measures culminating into a frayed civil order  and who largely not changed their stance want an inquiry. 

What's galling about this is that there's already an inquiry. It's called the National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) that has been ignored by the media and the likes of Picard. It has collected hours of invaluable testimonies and data showing the negative trade offs of the very measures the expert class pushed. I've been listening to NCI. It's quite the unnerving inquiry.

Alas, it's a 'wrong think' inquiry. What these people want is an inquiry made up of science-cronies. Brought to you by Pfizer. 

If you're skeptical and worry that this will be an exercise  conformation bias I agree with you.


Well, Picard himself argued that life for the unvaccinated had to be made impossible. He wasn't alone. This was the prevailing view among The Experts TM. He earned an Order of Canada for his tireless work in promoting divisive science. 

Joe Vipond is also calling for the inquiry. There isn't a bigger salesman for masking than this doctor. /Looks into his Twitte account. Yup. Still at it in 2024.

And then there's our dear old friend the cocky David Fisman. Canada's version of the loathsome Peter Hotez and most hated epidemiologist among the sane and rational. I've written about this guy in the past. Let's recall this is the same fella who called for the closures of schools in Ontario. Turned out he was getting paid to promote this position by the teacher's union. As if that conflict of interest wasn't bad enough it's worth noting - and Fisman likely knew this - that by April of 2020 we knew according to science and data that kids weren't vectors and that there was no danger in keeping schools open according to many studies from not just Europe (including Turkey)but even local studies from Barcelona, New York and North Carolina. Yet, Canada along with the United States went ahead with it anyway at a tremendous cost.

Think this inquiry will look conduct a cost-benefit analysis here? Of course not. Luckily, people interested in truth and science already have. So we don't need them.

It doesn't end there for Fisman. During the height of the mandates, the government was under pressure to end them. The Trucker's protest (a protest that enraged the expert - though they were curiously silence when BLM protested - social justice over public health was one slogan) challenged the government to rescind blatantly unethical mandates rooted in politics and not science. We knew at that point from that the government admitted their decisions were politically motivated and that Theresa Tam at PHAC didn't request for mandates that included the only domestic travel ban for citizens violating mobility rights in the Western world. The protest was the largest in Canadian history.

Think of how much of a pernicious impact the mandates were having that a normally obedient, docile and apathetic Canadian population were galvanized into such an act. It was an event that could and should have been wholly avoidable with a touch of courage and real leadership. Not a single voice from the expert class with the mic in the "media" spoke out or even lent a voice of reason. 

Instead, it was more divisive rhetoric and vitriol directed at fellow Canadians. A program of dehumanizing people meant that society was in permanent state of paranoia and fear.

Enter Fisman with his shill cape. Armed with a garbage in, garbage out model he published a 'study' that claimed the unvaccinated posed a threat to the vaccinated. With that 'Hate Science' was born. And buffoons likes former Olympian Adam van Koeverden (Mr. Canoehead) got up in the House of Commons and read Fisman's report. 

No one ever apologized for such a grotesque display of overt animosity to Canadians. It's worth noting van Koeverden had been in an online altercation with a woman eventually leading him to tell her "fuck you'.

Who else could make the list of esteemed panelists? 

Perhaps Timothy Caulfield? Every time he Tweets an snti-vaxxer or pharma skeptic is born. Potty mouthed Angela Rasmussen? Isaac Bogoch, Colin Furness, Don Vinh, Eric Feigl-Ding, Eric Topol, Rachel Walensky, Mandy Cohen, Bonnie Henry and so on can fill up the chairs nicely.  

Quite the roster to tell us we didn't lockdown and mask early and hard enough. That disinformation was challenging their authority and that as a consequence censorship is necessary. That communication could have been better. Despite all they asked for was given. That Sweden was wrong. That 'targeted mandates' are the way to go. That more curfews were needed. That we didn't put enough social distancing stickers on the floor. That we didn't limit enough items to be purchased. That we didn't perform as well as Pavlovian Dogs. 

Do we really have to watch experts scratch their heads wondering how public trust was lost? 


What are the odds dissenting voices will be heard from nurses to experts to the vaccine injured and everyone in between? 

Low I'd guess.

This is no longer about truth. It has become an obscene war of information where ethics was a casualty and pseudoscience rose to stake its claim at the table of the scientific-medical technocracy.

You can bet your bottom dollar these people see nothing wrong about how they approached things. That they were indifferent to the freezing of bank accounts or that businesses were lost. Or that people of faith couldn't attend Church or that the unvaccinated were denied life-saving transplants? 

You call this public health? Whatever that means. The whole notion of "public health" should be scrutinized and questioned now.

None of that matters and it won't be featured with an inquiry stacked with the same messengers.. 

Perhaps I'm cynical and jaded. But I wasn't impressed. At all.

How can you possibly think vaccine passports and masks make any kind of difference other than to piss people off? They're tools of control and little else.

I could be wrong. I hope I am. I wish I was. 

Alas, I've not seen an inch of humility showing that perhaps they could have done some things better with a focus on human dignity and civil liberties.

It's all part of the 'do something, do anything hysterical safetyist' culture we've become.

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