
Freedom Will Soon Be Gone In Canada

Odd isn't how no sooner Bill C-11 is unceremoniously and arrogantly rammed through the House and rubber stamped by a weak Senate (Senators should be elected not appointed I think), a well-funded (part of it coming from government agencies) mysterious group called Egale calls not for the firing of Tucker Carlson (which he was) but for the outright ban of Fox News from cable news packages. 

What may be an odd coincidence stinks of a conspiracy to others. 

I fall in the latter group. Why? Well, have you see how this government behaves. It is the poster child for saying one thing and doing another. There are endless clips of Justin Trudeau defending gun rights, and freedom of speech when he was in opposition. He even didn't support vaccine passports. And then went full blown authoritarian with mandates - even though he claims he never mandated anything. Yet, he thought it prudent to mention them during the Liberal convention.

I could write a book. And maybe I should. About the obnoxious and obscene unethical hypocrisy of the Justing Trudeau and every single Liberal. 

But Bill C-11 - a bill that screams China - is just part of an overall disturbing trend in Canada. There's an incoherent gun grab attempt. There's Bill C-36. And there are the revelations being outed by our intelligence community that all our leaders since Mulroney have been compromised by Chinese influencers.

Canada is just a democracy in name and appearance only. 

That the CRTC saw fit to even entertain this frivolous and dangerous request is concerning enough. What if this group is just a front for Justin to abuse the bill in an attempt to silence critics? As we saw with the Emergencies Act and the freezing of bank accounts, he's already shown his despotic impulses. To say nothing of the trend where freedom of religion and assembly is under direct attack. Well, for those who protest things the government doesn't like. 

Journalists and content creators should be worried.  And some of them helped create this monster. Or at least unleashed a vicious monstrous streak in a narcissistic Prime Minister. 

Banning Fox would be unprecedented in its stupidity and chilling impact on journalism and free speech here. 

People who keep harping on about Fox News being 'fake' are straight-up full of shit. The entire realm of journalism is filled with lawsuits, retractions, bad reporting, falsehoods, sleazy hit pieces, plagiarism and outright lies. From Duke Lacrosse to false rape and racist stories to Covington to the Russian hoax lie all the way back to the Time Magazine and the New York Times peddling praise for Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.  The BBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and others all traffic in hardcore falsehoods or biased reporting. We all know it. They know it. And they know that we know it.

It's all a shameful racket. 

Bill C-11. If it quacks like a duck....expect things to get worse.

We're heading into dark waters. 

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