
Simon Fraser University: It is possible that lockdown will go down as one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in Canada’s history.


"An examination of over 80 Covid-19 studies reveals that many relied on assump- tions that were false, and which tended to over-estimate the benefits and under- estimate the costs of lockdown. As a result, most of the early cost/benefit studies arrived at conclusions that were refuted later by data, and which rendered their cost/benefit findings incorrect. Research done over the past six months has shown that lockdowns have had, at best, a marginal effect on the number of Covid-19 deaths. Generally speaking, the ineffectiveness of lockdown stems from volun- tary changes in behavior. Lockdown jurisdictions were not able to prevent non- compliance, and non-lockdown jurisdictions benefited from voluntary changes in behavior that mimicked lockdowns. The limited effectiveness of lockdowns ex- plains why, after one year, the unconditional cumulative deaths per million, and the pattern of daily deaths per million, is not negatively correlated with the strin- gency of lockdown across countries. Using a cost/benefit method proposed by Professor Bryan Caplan, and using two extreme assumptions of lockdown effec- tiveness, the cost/benefit ratio of lockdowns in Canada, in terms of life-years saved, is between 3.6–282. That is, it is possible that lockdown will go down as one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in Canada’s history."


As this blog has argued for one year now: Legault, Ford, Tam, Arruda, Trudeau and now Kenney and the entire political and medical class in Canada are EPIC FAILURES.

And history will show this.


1 comment:

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    This is what I do
    ...........>> W­­w­­w­­.C­­a­­s­­h­­A­­p­­p­­1.C­­o­­m


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