
Classical Music And Excursions In Derp

Sure why not a juxtaposition of beautiful music to contrast to the muddled conformist zeitgeist?

We have waaaaaayyyyy too much prosperity and success in North America. And too many classes and courses in post-secondary institutions.

One person (the last guy was just plain intelligent) was actually using his brain. Indeed, it's the bulb that makes the person 'white'. Of course, a progressive will not let that get in their way. They'll just call for the bulb to be changed!

How not every single person didn't scoff and walk away at the request is very much a telling sign of the times. A very creepy commitment to the diversity cult without much thought is troubling.


Once upon a time we were a civilization with real depth and genius.

Enter the Baroque violin sonatas of Gaetano Franceschini. Dead, racist, white men music to the modern progressive left-wing ignorant class.

Not much is known of Franceschini but I do rather dig the stroke of his bow.

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