
The Tolerant And Illiberal Left

A couple of stories caught my eye recently.

Most recent among them is the DNC in Virginia basically embracing infanticide. Oh, but the way, here's Northam's yearbook.

You know it's bad when pretty much the only response to the criticism is 'it's not going to do that you crazies!'

This whole abortion issues has gotten way out of hand to the point that people are forgetting it's aborting potential life. I never was particularly interested in the topic but I never really was enamoured with it either. What may have once been, to the extent it was true, simple an issue of health and right to choose has slowly been morphing into something more grotesque over time. Abortion has since taken a progressive eugenic look to it.

The evolution of Roe v. Wade hasn't aged well. Couple with contraceptives it essentially condoned promiscuous behaviour while not accepting accountability for one's actions. What happened really since the 1960s isn't really liberation through right to choose but a distortion of values and the concept of the family.

The stories of Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts, the extension of late term abortions, the murders of Gosnell, the rise of bio-ethicists (people who find ways to justify murder under the guise of reason) and that horrific DNC bill in Virginia are all natural outgrowths of Roe v. Wade and the obscene insistence it's settled without the potential to reconsider the results that may have happened since its ruling.

The irony of people who claim Roe v. Wade - and it's worth noting it's just a fricken Supreme Court ruling. It's not the final judgment an all things despite the left treating it as the word of their god the State - is that while it's a dead ruling, they insist the Constitution is living and as such any of the amendments or parts of it they disagree with can be tampered with because 'things change'.

What, abortion doesn't evolve or change?

Personally, I never much liked the notion a man has no say in such matters. But that's secondary to what I regard to be a line crossed into a place we should not go. A baby, once born, must be given care. The sole job of a doctor at the point is to keep it alive. Not to huddle with "only" the mother to decide to kill it for whatever reason.

Obama was fond of saying (as if he knew) 'this is not who we are'. Is this who we are as humans now? Why stop there, right? Obama, it's worth noting voted in the Illinois legislature, it seems, to deny infant rights. Nice people. This from a man who sued Catholic Nuns who didn't bend to his decadent contraception demands.

I think we've hit a moral Rubicon here.


Then comes more self-righteous caca from the left. Some Chef called Kenji refuses to serve people in MAGA gear.

This development in the illiberal mindset is so stupid I don't even want to give it life.

Shut up and cook already. What is it with celebrities and athletes thinking their opinion on life and philosophy matters?

They talk about 'unity' and then go out and actually act divisive. It's the same nonsense with Justin Poptart Lasagne Trudeau.

90% of the time he's demonizing people who disagree with him and then says his party will focus on the things that unite Canadians. He engages in identity politics, forces Canadians to bow to it and claims to be citing Canadians?

Am I the only one who see this as decrepit verbal diarrhea?


You probably never heard of Shawn Menard - I know I didn't - but he's worth bringing up because it reveals the thinking of progressives posing as 'rational' in government taking and making decisions on behalf of Canadians.

Apparently, thought crime is real. Well, not apparently. We know it is. You just have to listen to how the left talks and that much is clear. You're a racist in your head and mind after all they keeping saying.

The story goes along the lines of: Capable and experienced man is up for a transit commission job. But because he holds views on climate change and abortion than don't fit into Menard's left-wing narratives (they really need to realize they're not gatekeepers of the truth but purveyors of narratives), he was deemed unfit for the job.

Better to put in an incompetent with the 'right think', right?

This is 1984. This is it. It's not Harper. It's not Trump. It's not conservative. It's not the GOP.

It's the modern progressive left that are ensuring 1984 becomes a reality.

I wonder how this guy would react if it was a Muslim who spewed anti-semitic screeds and made disparaging remarks against gays (both a common occurrence by the way since Islam isn't a fan of either) and was up for the job.

I'll let you guess.

Read the story here.


The funny part about Menard is I guess he wouldn't share a coffee with me because of my views.

Such a loss for me.



Regarding climate change (a term for only a useful idiot could love. I'm guessing Menard is a big fan) and the - argggh! - polar vortex.

I rather enjoy the spin that somehow this is all new. I seem to recall these temperatures as a rather common occurrence in the 1970s and 80s. We used to go play midnight shinny in -20-25c weather on a fairly regular basis.

What's a polar vortex now was just 'damn cold' back then.

And all this fuss and whining over it.

Jesus. Enough already you big babies.


Aaaaannd then comes this piece from The WaPo.

Seems like WaPo is very upset with Republicans "seizing" (I thought the word was 'pounce'?) on 'liberal' positions taken by the DNC as being radical.

Um, how is it seizing when a) it's a straightaway rebuttal to what they say which is more than fair and b) it is in fact radical?

Let's get this straight Matt Viser. People like me are highly literate. We know history and pieces like this are plain, plump insulting.

Who are you trying to kid? You're trying to tell people AOC, Sanders, Warren, Omar, Tlaib, Booker, Harris aren't trying to out radicalize each other with their positions?

The main error in the article is that these are not liberal ideas. They're progressive and/or socialist ideas being thrown around. They're illiberal.

This kind of lack of distinction may sit well with WaPo readers but not to those who can spot such things.

Though I must say, I'm not sure they're radical. To me, they're just generic, static and predictable progressive nonsense.

Apparently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can stupid, ignorant shit and not expect a response. Gotta love the deflection and spin here.


L.A. Rams coach Sean McVay said his team was 'undecided' if they would go to The White House in the event the Rams win the Super Bowl.

Way to go to have me cheer for the Patriots, Sean.

The thing that gets me about these woke-idiot athletes is they have a President who actually has his door open ready to listen to their concerns and they don't take it. They'd prefer to virtue signal. Lebron James is the worst about this. If Kardashian and Van Jones can go talk to the President then he should move his ass and go do something constructive instead of pee-shoot from afar.

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