
Deep Derp Spaces

When I tell you I've been backed up with stories I wanted to get to, believe me. It's backed up.

Alas, too many of them demand through and reflection and in order to do so, one needs time to devote to it.

I wish I could channel my inner Marcus Aurelius and break down every story to the extent I would like but time doesn't accord me the honour.

Plus I'm a tad lazy.

It's been quite over whelming the confluence of stories bombarding us which is why, in part, I created my 'Derp Spaces' segment. Of course, I was working on one and took for granted the 'save' option was automatic and subsequently lost all those links because of a software upgrade. Pissed me off enough to not proceed with a new one.

But enough of me and my sad songs and stories.

We see plenty of this sort of narcissism enough on social media.

Here are some quick hits.


We were all going to die because warming and oceans and Algore the Mighty....and then they forgot to carry the one. Or move a decimal. Whatever. We're all gonna die. By January, 2019. It's true. I saw a cult (paid protestors who need real jobs) on TV storm a buffoon's Democrat office (Pelosi) screaming something be done in the name of Gaia and then an illiterate socialist loon (Ocasio-Cortez) showed up to support them. And then left just before the cops arrived. So brave.


I know it's easy to ignore when it's happening to the 'other guy' but what companies like PayPal are doing is preposterous and plain wrong.

Why they feel the need to virtue signal over matters way beyond their pay grade is beyond me.

I can but protest by mocking them....and stopping to use their service.

The latest platform to be attacked by corporations is BitChute. As if it wasn't already ridiculous places like Gab were kicked off, BitChute just bring us into Orwellian territory.

There's literally - like literally - nothing wrong with BitChute.

I visit it. Largely because there's been a migration from YouTube - who themselves have accosted the creative process through their own mindless crackdowns - to these places. People always say 'if you don't like it then start your own'. And people have. But apparently this wasn't true. They don't want you to start your own. They want you to stop. Period.

Seems 'democracy' and 'freedom' has a different meaning with these corporations invested in the idiotic social justice narrative.

So by me visiting these places, will PayPal cut my account?


THINK a little for once.

No. You're not thinking. You're emoting and reacting.


Calgarians vote overwhelmingly against 2026 Olympic bid. I reckon this was the right call. What, with all the grifting and the grafting and the greasing and the grassing (I don't know what that means but it popped into my head).

Seems the struggling Alberta economy was a concern for citizens.

Those damn alt-right populists. How dare they ruin a good scam?

You can just smell politicians seething in anger as they reluctantly accepted the vote.

They'll have to figure out another way to get people to not vote against their interests. Mind you, these same Albertans inexplicably voted for the NDP.

Simple ideological axiom: Where there's a pot of gold, don't vote for socialists.

They'll kill the Leprechaun colony to keep it for themselves.


Oof. Another one of these stupid studies.

"...Anyone who’s wanted to dismiss Republican politics as straightforwardly mean now has some data to back them up. A psychology paper published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences in September found that Republicans surveyed had a small but statistically significant higher level of psychopathic traits than Democrats.
Researchers from the University of Southern Mississippi surveyed 304 American adults using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk; 85 identified as Republican, 164 as Democrat, and 55 as “other.” All those surveyed also completed TriPM, a self-report measure that uses 58 questions to evaluate the three traits that, according to the “triarchic model of psychopathy” make up the disorder: boldness, meanness, and disinhibition.
Test-takers rank how much they related to various statements like “I’ve injured people to see them in pain” and “I have conned people to get money from them” on a four-point scale of true, somewhat true, somewhat false, and false. The results score test-takers on all three traits of the triarchic model.
The researchers found that the TriPM questions evaluating boldness and meanness showed that both traits were higher in Republicans and Democrats, though there was no difference between the two groups on disinhibition. The study showed that boldness, which is evaluated by such questions as “I’m a born leader” and “I have a knack for influencing people,” had a particular high correlation with conservative economic policies, like lower taxes and decreased government spending. Meanwhile, meanness, which is evaluated by such questions as, “I don’t care much if what I do hurts others,” and “I enjoy a good physical fight,” correlated with conservative social policies, such as lack of support for social welfare, universal healthcare, and equal pay for women."

You know.

A couple of things.

The Democrats are the party of slavery, mandated segregation, internment camps, oppressive labor laws that hurt the working poor, and droning of American citizens (Hello Barry!). 

But that's not psychopathy. Nope. So let's project! Ta-dah!

Let's ignore these little 'factoids' as they would put it.

The other more troubling angle is the game of demonizing your opponent (and yes - sigh - it's the left who are masters of it) is exactly how the Communists operated. It's straight out of the Red Commie play book. Don't challenge and argue the ideas; just purge the person. Let's lock 'em up! In a way, what do you think PayPal, Facebook, Twitter (and still further the faux outrage machine that claims victims by the day ie Roseanne etc.) are doing? They're not fighting a good fight, they're destroying the concept of freedom of speech and expression.

I'm also of the opinion now this is all by design.

/Lights Dale Gribble cigarette.


Speaking of high ranking Democrats who clearly got there for reasons other than being geniuses:

"This is an inflection moment, I believe, in the history of our country. This is a moment where there are powerful voices trying to sow hate and division among us. And if we’re going to deal with where we are at this inflection moment, we must speak all these truths, and one of the most significant and important truths right now is also that the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us and let’s speak and own that truth, in particular, in the face of those who are trying to have us point fingers at each other and divide us. Let’s speak these truths."

Yes, the party that has members telling its cultists to go to where Republicans eat and sleep to protest them are doing about division. Again. Projection. All the time.

Other than that....inflection?

Forget it. She's on a roll.

a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender.


Speaking of being in good hands with Democrats....

These are the folks who never accept election results. Notice the shenanigans in Georgia and Florida.

Gotta give it to them. They want it more.

If the GOP sit by and do nothing, what are they good for exactly?


Of good liberal consciences....and lol:

Hope to bring more links shortly.

Until then.

Find your own DERP SPACE!

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