Ontario Man Lands In Prison For Opinion; Ethics Commission Properly Hammers Trudeau
Like I said. Canada has no commitment to liberty.
Canadians need to come to terms with this reality if we want to fix it. You can't talk out of your ass claiming to be free when in practice you're not.
When writing 'no more Muslims' on a park bench lands you in jail for five months, you know we're inferior to the United States on matters of free speech and expression.
Face the fact Canada. We Canadians have it backwards. We talk about how education and health care are fundamental rights (which they're not) and how they must be provided by the state (thus making them positive rights that which the government can give and take away on its whims), yet true fundamental human rights that are inalienable (negative rights) like free speech and opinion we accept the government can jail us for? That we feel it's appropriate the bureaucracy can determine what is 'hate' speech should sends a shiver down spines across this country.
Are you free by the grace of God or not?
Worse, you (we didn't vote for him in this house) let a man and his party with so many ethical breaches so far and who clearly holds us in such low regard pass such a law.
What kind of values are these? This is not something to be proud of nor should we condone it.
Porco of Oshawa should have received a fine or perhaps a couple of days for graffiti but five months? He'll miss Christmas with the family over this crap? I understand there was a criminal background in the case but the Judge seems to have had an unnecessary axe to grin in my view:
"....Joseph Porco shows little insight into the harmful nature of his conduct, Ontario Court Justice Ferhan Javed said in handing down the sentence Thursday, Sept. 21.
“Mr. Porco’s message left black marks on a public bench but even after the words are scrubbed away with a guilty plea, it leaves stains that may be more permanent,” the judge said. “Mr. Porco’s message was both hateful and hurtful to the community and needs to be deterred."
I have a huge problem with this statement by Javed. Oh, is it 'hateful and hurtful' I refuse to call him Judge and address him by his family name? I wonder if this judge would render the same verdict had a Muslim wrote 'no more Jews' on a park bench or said something equally as harmless about Christians.
This is preposterous and saddens me we're now a country that doesn't support liberty. We've insanely weaponized words and begun to put people in prison for them. I'm not comfortable with the path we're on.
If you're gonna put someone in jail based on their opinions I now consider this an attack on liberty because ALL OF US ARE TARGETS NOW.
And this is thanks to the lousy bums who run the Liberal party of Canada.
Trudeau can brag all he wants about creating jobs. Governments do that all the time.
His lasting (negative) impact on Canada I argue will be his unnecessary attacks on our freedom. Between Motion 103 and C-16 (as well as his increasing of the debt) Trudeau will leave a stain just like the NEP schemed by his father - not to mention create a divide along the lines of liberty versus tyranny. People should not be siding on any grounds the arrest of our fellow citizens for their opinions however much we disagree.
Taking away people's rights will be his legacy.
Oh. What about Justin Trudeau? The ethics commission found him guilty on three of the four trips he took.
"I'm sorry I didn't, and in the future I will be clearing all my family vacations with the commissioner's office. I've always considered the Aga Khan a close family friend, which is why I didn't clear this family trip in the first place. But given the commissioner's report, I will be taking all precautions in the future."
He didn't know. Poor guy.
Is it a crime if blogs report on how full of shit the PM is? Asking for a friend.
Anyway. The article goes on:
Canadians need to come to terms with this reality if we want to fix it. You can't talk out of your ass claiming to be free when in practice you're not.
When writing 'no more Muslims' on a park bench lands you in jail for five months, you know we're inferior to the United States on matters of free speech and expression.
Face the fact Canada. We Canadians have it backwards. We talk about how education and health care are fundamental rights (which they're not) and how they must be provided by the state (thus making them positive rights that which the government can give and take away on its whims), yet true fundamental human rights that are inalienable (negative rights) like free speech and opinion we accept the government can jail us for? That we feel it's appropriate the bureaucracy can determine what is 'hate' speech should sends a shiver down spines across this country.
Are you free by the grace of God or not?
Worse, you (we didn't vote for him in this house) let a man and his party with so many ethical breaches so far and who clearly holds us in such low regard pass such a law.
What kind of values are these? This is not something to be proud of nor should we condone it.
Porco of Oshawa should have received a fine or perhaps a couple of days for graffiti but five months? He'll miss Christmas with the family over this crap? I understand there was a criminal background in the case but the Judge seems to have had an unnecessary axe to grin in my view:
"....Joseph Porco shows little insight into the harmful nature of his conduct, Ontario Court Justice Ferhan Javed said in handing down the sentence Thursday, Sept. 21.
“Mr. Porco’s message left black marks on a public bench but even after the words are scrubbed away with a guilty plea, it leaves stains that may be more permanent,” the judge said. “Mr. Porco’s message was both hateful and hurtful to the community and needs to be deterred."
I have a huge problem with this statement by Javed. Oh, is it 'hateful and hurtful' I refuse to call him Judge and address him by his family name? I wonder if this judge would render the same verdict had a Muslim wrote 'no more Jews' on a park bench or said something equally as harmless about Christians.
This is preposterous and saddens me we're now a country that doesn't support liberty. We've insanely weaponized words and begun to put people in prison for them. I'm not comfortable with the path we're on.
If you're gonna put someone in jail based on their opinions I now consider this an attack on liberty because ALL OF US ARE TARGETS NOW.
And this is thanks to the lousy bums who run the Liberal party of Canada.
Trudeau can brag all he wants about creating jobs. Governments do that all the time.
His lasting (negative) impact on Canada I argue will be his unnecessary attacks on our freedom. Between Motion 103 and C-16 (as well as his increasing of the debt) Trudeau will leave a stain just like the NEP schemed by his father - not to mention create a divide along the lines of liberty versus tyranny. People should not be siding on any grounds the arrest of our fellow citizens for their opinions however much we disagree.
Taking away people's rights will be his legacy.
Oh. What about Justin Trudeau? The ethics commission found him guilty on three of the four trips he took.
"I'm sorry I didn't, and in the future I will be clearing all my family vacations with the commissioner's office. I've always considered the Aga Khan a close family friend, which is why I didn't clear this family trip in the first place. But given the commissioner's report, I will be taking all precautions in the future."
He didn't know. Poor guy.
Is it a crime if blogs report on how full of shit the PM is? Asking for a friend.
Anyway. The article goes on:
"...And the "friend" is Prince Shah Karim Al Husseini, leader of the world's Ismaili Muslims, owner of a private island in the Bahamas and chairman of the board for the Global Centre for Pluralism, an institution in Ottawa to which the federal government pledged a $15-million grant in July 2015.
It is a combination of that grant, that island and the Trudeau family's use of a private helicopter to access the island that has resulted in the prime minister being found to have violated sections 5, 11, 12 and 21 of the Conflict of Interest Act.
It is also a rarefied sort of scandal of the sort that few, if any, other prime ministers could have walked into.
The prime minister has not been found guilty of corruption — the commissioner found no evidence Trudeau acted to advance any of the Aga Khan's projects or interests.
But he accepted a gift that might reasonably be seen to influence him, and he failed to arrange his affairs in a manner that would have prevented a conflict of interest. What had merely been an opposition allegation of something untoward now lands with the thud of an official finding of wrongdoing.
A portion of that finding actually rests on the commissioner's ruling that Trudeau and the Aga Khan did not constitute "friends" in a way that might have exempted their interactions from one section of the Conflict of Interest Act...."
"...As a political leader, he has defined himself by his efforts to address questions of privilege: seeking to grow and expand the middle class, taxing the rich, reducing economic inequality and so on. And he recently announced another round of town-hall meetings — the previous roundlaunched after the vacation first came to light — by declaring his desire to escape the insular nature of power.
But the trip to the Aga Khan's island is a reminder of Trudeau's rarefied life. Maybe the Aga Khan invited him because he was important, but Trudeau knew the Aga Khan in the first place because he is the son of a prime minister.
And that the trip happened — in ignorance or defiance of the potential for official or political problems — suggests a dangerous insularity.
The prime minister is due to spend this year's Christmas vacation in Canada. But even if he never again goes somewhere tropical to unwind, this should be a lesson in the politics of privilege.
My impression? Trudeau knows what he did. It's just that he doesn't care.
And this makes him doubly dangerous regarding his arrogance and insularity.
Are We Dead Yet?
Humans are a resolute bunch.
So far the world has survived the Americans leaving the Paris Accords (which was all smoke, mirrors and more smoke anyway), Trump's travel bans (which have support from his constituents and well within his authority), the killing of Net Neutrality, and the passing of a pretty tame tax bill aaaaand, Trump's tweets!
I really don't want to know how Democrats and the left figure to outdo their hyperbole and wasted political currency and energy on Russia. They already sound completely unhinged. Where to go form here?
So far the world has survived the Americans leaving the Paris Accords (which was all smoke, mirrors and more smoke anyway), Trump's travel bans (which have support from his constituents and well within his authority), the killing of Net Neutrality, and the passing of a pretty tame tax bill aaaaand, Trump's tweets!
I really don't want to know how Democrats and the left figure to outdo their hyperbole and wasted political currency and energy on Russia. They already sound completely unhinged. Where to go form here?
Canada Is Not A Defender Of Free Speech
I want (need) Canadians to understand something.
I often hear people say 'we have freedom of speech and thought' in Canada.
Yes we do.
Up to a point.
And therein lies the problem.
We have just enough of it to the point it doesn't run afoul with the government and speech laws.
The fact we have speech laws at all is of major grave concern. The idea we're 'responsible' enough to 'balance' speech so as to not infringe on rights is wrongheaded as it is preposterous. Where there is power, there is risk it will be abused against fundamental rights.
The Canadian Charter, often cited, is nothing compared to the U.S. Constitution where the rights of sovereign people full stop is enshrine through the First and Second Amendments. No government, persons or entities can infringe or take away these sacred rights. It is inferior to its American counterpart and should be a source of embarrassment given our misplaced arrogance regarding such issues.
America stands uniquely alone for its defense of the 1A, 2A and other amendments (often under attack from the left) in the world today. For it, it's often mocked and chastised but they're in the intellectual and moral right. It's the world that's wrong.
I wish Canada would stand shoulder to shoulder on matters of liberty. But we don't. We inexplicably chose a European model. I don't consider the EU remotely enlightened where free speech and thought is concerned. The UK in particular should be ridiculed mercilessly for their backward thinking. Germany we expect because it's a society that doesn't think in terms of individual liberty. But the UK did once upon a time accept this concept. France and Italy. Holland and Sweden. Spain and Belgium.
All are failures.
In Canada, you can (and will) be prosecuted if you say something that the government deems "wrong".
We don't have free speech.
We have what the government allows.
This is something that should not exist.
I often hear people say 'we have freedom of speech and thought' in Canada.
Yes we do.
Up to a point.
And therein lies the problem.
We have just enough of it to the point it doesn't run afoul with the government and speech laws.
The fact we have speech laws at all is of major grave concern. The idea we're 'responsible' enough to 'balance' speech so as to not infringe on rights is wrongheaded as it is preposterous. Where there is power, there is risk it will be abused against fundamental rights.
The Canadian Charter, often cited, is nothing compared to the U.S. Constitution where the rights of sovereign people full stop is enshrine through the First and Second Amendments. No government, persons or entities can infringe or take away these sacred rights. It is inferior to its American counterpart and should be a source of embarrassment given our misplaced arrogance regarding such issues.
America stands uniquely alone for its defense of the 1A, 2A and other amendments (often under attack from the left) in the world today. For it, it's often mocked and chastised but they're in the intellectual and moral right. It's the world that's wrong.
I wish Canada would stand shoulder to shoulder on matters of liberty. But we don't. We inexplicably chose a European model. I don't consider the EU remotely enlightened where free speech and thought is concerned. The UK in particular should be ridiculed mercilessly for their backward thinking. Germany we expect because it's a society that doesn't think in terms of individual liberty. But the UK did once upon a time accept this concept. France and Italy. Holland and Sweden. Spain and Belgium.
All are failures.
In Canada, you can (and will) be prosecuted if you say something that the government deems "wrong".
We don't have free speech.
We have what the government allows.
This is something that should not exist.
Environmental Doomsdayers Are Often Wrong In Their Predictions
Here's an excellent article in The Economist from 1997 titled Plenty of Gloom.
It's an article that discusses how spectacularly wrong environmentalists have been. Yet, they continue to wield an unhealthy influence on public policy across the globe while maintaining an alarmist posture.
It's an article that discusses how spectacularly wrong environmentalists have been. Yet, they continue to wield an unhealthy influence on public policy across the globe while maintaining an alarmist posture.
"IN 1798 Thomas Robert Malthus inaugurated a grand tradition of environmentalism with his best-selling pamphlet on population. Malthus argued with impeccable logic but distinctly peccable premises that since population tended to increase geometrically (1,2,4,8 ) and food supply to increase arithmetically (1,2,3,4 ), the starvation of Great Britain was inevitable and imminent. Almost everybody thought he was right. He was wrong.
In 1865 an influential book by Stanley Jevons argued with equally good logic and equally flawed premises that Britain would run out of coal in a few short years' time. In 1914, the United States Bureau of Mines predicted that American oil reserves would last ten years. In 1939 and again in 1951, the Department of the Interior said American oil would last 13 years. Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.
This article argues that predictions of ecological doom, including recent ones, have such a terrible track record that people should take them with pinches of salt instead of lapping them up with relish. For reasons of their own, pressure groups, journalists and fame-seekers will no doubt continue to peddle ecological catastrophes at an undiminishing speed. These people, oddly, appear to think that having been invariably wrong in the past makes them more likely to be right in the future. The rest of us might do better to recall, when warned of the next doomsday, what ever became of the last one...."
“...Limits to Growth” said total global oil reserves amounted to 550 billion barrels. “We could use up all of the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade,” said President Jimmy Carter shortly afterwards. Sure enough, between 1970 and 1990 the world used 600 billion barrels of oil. So, according to the Club of Rome, reserves should have been overdrawn by 50 billion barrels by 1990. In fact, by 1990 unexploited reserves amounted to 900 billion barrels—not counting the tar shales, of which a single deposit in Alberta contains more than 550 billion barrels.
The Club of Rome made similarly wrong predictions about natural gas, silver, tin, uranium, aluminium, copper, lead and zinc. In every case, it said finite reserves of these minerals were approaching exhaustion and prices would rise steeply. In every case except tin, known reserves have actually grown since the Club's report; in some cases they have quadrupled. “Limits to Growth” simply misunderstood the meaning of the word “reserves”.
"...Meanwhile, environmental attention switched from resources to pollution. Cancer-causing chemicals were suddenly said to be everywhere: in water, in food, in packaging. Last summer Edward Goldsmith blamed the death of his brother, Sir James, on chemicals: all cancer is caused by chemicals, he claimed, and cancer rates are rising. Not so. The rate of mortality from cancers not related to smoking for those between 35 and 69 is actually falling steadily—by 15% since 1950. Organically grown broccoli and coffee are full of natural substances that are just as carcinogenic as man-made chemicals at high doses and just as safe at low doses.
In the early 1980s acid rain became the favourite cause of doom. Lurid reports appeared of widespread forest decline in Germany, where half the trees were said to be in trouble. By 1986, the United Nations reported that 23% of all trees in Europe were moderately or severely damaged by acid rain. What happened? They recovered. The biomass stock of European forests actually increased during the 1980s. The damage all but disappeared. Forests did not decline: they thrived.
A similar gap between perception and reality occurred in the United States. Greens fell over each other to declare the forests of North America acidified and dying. “There is no evidence of a general or unusual decline of forests in the United States or Canada due to acid rain,” concluded a ten-year, $700m official study. When asked if he had been pressured to be optimistic, one of the authors said the reverse was true. “Yes, there were political pressures Acid rain had to be an environmental catastrophe, no matter what the facts revealed...”
"...Today the mother of all environmental scares is global warming. Here the jury is still out, though not according to President Clinton. But before you rush to join the consensus he has declared, compare two quotations. The first comes from Newsweek in 1975: “Meteorologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend But they are almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century.” The second comes from Vice-President Al Gore in 1992: “Scientists concluded—almost unanimously—that global warming is real and the time to act is now.” (The italics are ours.)
There are ample other causes for alarmism for the dedicated pessimist as the century's end nears. The extinction of elephants, the threat of mad-cow disease, outbreaks of the Ebola virus, and chemicals that mimic sex hormones are all fashionable. These come in a different category from the scares cited above. The trend in each is undoubtedly not benign, but it is exaggerated.
In 1984 the United Nations asserted that the desert was swallowing 21m hectares of land every year. That claim has been comprehensively demolished. There has been and is no net advance of the desert at all. In 1992 Mr Gore asserted that 20% of the Amazon had been deforested and that deforestation continued at the rate of 80m hectares a year. The true figures are now agreed to be 9% and 21m hectares a year gross at its peak in the 1980s, falling to about 10m hectares a year now...."
"...Year 7 is the year of the quiet climbdown. Without fanfare, the official consensus estimate of the size of the problem is shrunk. Thus, when nobody was looking, the population “explosion” became an asymptotic rise to a maximum of just 15 billion; this was then downgraded to 12 billion, then less than 10 billion. That means population will never double again. Greenhouse warming was originally going to be “uncontrolled”. Then it was going to be 2.5-4 degrees in a century. Then it became 1.5-3 degrees (according to the United Nations). In two years, elephants went from imminent danger of extinction to badly in need of contraception (the facts did not change, the reporting did)."
"...A new book edited by Melissa Leach and Robin Mearns at the University of Sussex (“The Lie of the Land”, published by James Currey/Heinemann) documents just how damaging the myth of deforestation and population pressure has been in parts of the Sahel. Westerners have forced inappropriate measures on puzzled local inhabitants in order to meet activists' preconceived notions of environmental change. The myth that oil and gas will imminently run out, together with worries about the greenhouse effect, is responsible for the despoliation of wild landscapes in Wales and Denmark by ugly, subsidised and therefore ultimately job-destroying wind farms. School textbooks are counsels of despair and guilt (see “Environmental Education”, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs), which offer no hope of winning the war against famine, disease and pollution, thereby inducing fatalism rather than determination.
Above all, the exaggeration of the population explosion leads to a form of misanthropy that comes dangerously close to fascism. The aforementioned Dr Ehrlich is an unashamed believer in the need for coerced family planning. His fellow eco-guru, Garrett Hardin, has said that “freedom to breed is intolerable”. If you think population is “out of control” you might be tempted to agree to such drastic curtailments of liberty...."
"...You can be in favour of the environment without being a pessimist. There ought to be room in the environmental movement for those who think that technology and economic freedom will make the world cleaner and will also take the pressure off endangered species. But at the moment such optimists are distinctly unwelcome among environmentalists. Dr Ehrlich likes to call economic growth the creed of the cancer cell. He is not alone. Sir Crispin Tickell calls economics “not so much dismal as half-witted”.
Environmentalists are quick to accuse their opponents in business of having vested interests. But their own incomes, their advancement, their fame and their very existence can depend on supporting the most alarming versions of every environmental scare...."
Haidt: A Great University Schism Is Needed
Professor Jonathan Haidt proposes in this video that because the ratio of professors who vote or lean left is so great compared to those who vote or lean right, the university system is under duress. The reason being each side pursue different ends. The right maintains the original intent of the university which is to pursue truth, whereas the left is going the route of Marxist as taught in Critical Theory.
It's so entrenched now that a split - like the Great (East-West) Schism of 1054 which separated the Orthodox Church from Roman Catholicism - is probably a solution. That is, 'let's just go our separate ways' lest it gets really ugly.
Last month I sat down for dinner with a professor of architecture here in Montreal and that's pretty much what he said could happen.
In any event, until the government gets out of education or stops underwriting the cost of education - which hampers deans and institutions to deal with such issues because they need Federal subsidies - this is going to continue.
It's so entrenched now that a split - like the Great (East-West) Schism of 1054 which separated the Orthodox Church from Roman Catholicism - is probably a solution. That is, 'let's just go our separate ways' lest it gets really ugly.
Last month I sat down for dinner with a professor of architecture here in Montreal and that's pretty much what he said could happen.
In any event, until the government gets out of education or stops underwriting the cost of education - which hampers deans and institutions to deal with such issues because they need Federal subsidies - this is going to continue.
Galileo Wasn't Silenced By The Church
As people take to defending, rightfully, free speech they will cite all sorts of examples - contemporary and from the past - to support the argument in favor of free speech.
Aside from the astonishing fact that defending speech is a thing that needs protection, one popular example is Galileo who I'm afraid Professor Hick in his otherwise excellent pamphlet on free speech is guilty of.
The story goes the Catholic Church tried to silence Galileo because he threatened their authority and Church orthodoxy suggesting theology trumped science.
Except this is not accurate.
The Catholic Church from the fall of Rome right to the Italian Renaissance preserved and helped foster Western science. Without its efforts, we would not be where we are in Western science.
And the relationship between scientists and Galileo in particular, was a healthy one as Churchmen often worked verified and accepted his work. Contrary to popular belief, the Church encouraged and welcomed all theories in science provided they could be proven.
The issue was Galileo was a proponent of Copernican theory but the Church demanded proof. Galileo was not able to provide it and he knew it. Until he could, the Church asked him to stop passing it off as fact. It's worth noting they did not object to him referring to it in theory.
Being a single-minded and strong-willed type, Galileo didn't. That's when they decided to ex-communicate him.
This somehow became (unfairly by Protestants and later on Northern (and French) philosophers who held an irrational grudge against the Church) a story of the Church being hostile to science. Except it was the Church (and his colleagues) who encouraged Copernicus to publish his work.
Yes. Galileo eventually was right (and I suspect the Church knew he was) and history vindicated him but we misappropriate the role of the Church in this episode.
Too bad.
It's unfortunate because since this time we use Galileo as a leitmotif to prove the Church is irrational whenever we want to make an argument against organized religion.
There's something to be said that this has led to all sorts of consequences but this is not the purpose of this post as it would take us beyond the scope of the point: Galileo wasn't excommunicated because of Church theology. He was excommunicated because he had no proof.
Time for the Church to be appreciated for standing up for facts when it was absent.
Something we could learn in today's environment particularly where climate change is concerned.
Aside from the astonishing fact that defending speech is a thing that needs protection, one popular example is Galileo who I'm afraid Professor Hick in his otherwise excellent pamphlet on free speech is guilty of.
The story goes the Catholic Church tried to silence Galileo because he threatened their authority and Church orthodoxy suggesting theology trumped science.
Except this is not accurate.
The Catholic Church from the fall of Rome right to the Italian Renaissance preserved and helped foster Western science. Without its efforts, we would not be where we are in Western science.
And the relationship between scientists and Galileo in particular, was a healthy one as Churchmen often worked verified and accepted his work. Contrary to popular belief, the Church encouraged and welcomed all theories in science provided they could be proven.
The issue was Galileo was a proponent of Copernican theory but the Church demanded proof. Galileo was not able to provide it and he knew it. Until he could, the Church asked him to stop passing it off as fact. It's worth noting they did not object to him referring to it in theory.
Being a single-minded and strong-willed type, Galileo didn't. That's when they decided to ex-communicate him.
This somehow became (unfairly by Protestants and later on Northern (and French) philosophers who held an irrational grudge against the Church) a story of the Church being hostile to science. Except it was the Church (and his colleagues) who encouraged Copernicus to publish his work.
Yes. Galileo eventually was right (and I suspect the Church knew he was) and history vindicated him but we misappropriate the role of the Church in this episode.
Too bad.
It's unfortunate because since this time we use Galileo as a leitmotif to prove the Church is irrational whenever we want to make an argument against organized religion.
There's something to be said that this has led to all sorts of consequences but this is not the purpose of this post as it would take us beyond the scope of the point: Galileo wasn't excommunicated because of Church theology. He was excommunicated because he had no proof.
Time for the Church to be appreciated for standing up for facts when it was absent.
Something we could learn in today's environment particularly where climate change is concerned.
Democrats Are Undermining Authority
If you're like me, you're finding it a little too troubling how far the DNC is pushing their anti-Trump crusade. It's to the point of undermining the legitimate will of the people. So much for 'elections having consequences'.
They have not stopped attacking Trump at every turn. A loser candidate continues to speak out publicly, a former President with a slimy under-handed trick uses conferences to challenge a sitting President, and a completely derelict media has been fooled into thinking they're 'defending the democracy' in challenging the authority bestowed upon a President by the people. The 'resistance' or 'Resist Trump' as it were.
The underlying principle behind this 'movement' isn't rooted in principles at all. Rather, it's derived from the fact their own principal wasn't elected.
How's that for invoking Occam's Razor?
It's not Trump the problem.
It's the establishment led by the Democrat party of the United States and its lackeys in the media.
That's my take on things.
Libery Law Site explains it better.
They have not stopped attacking Trump at every turn. A loser candidate continues to speak out publicly, a former President with a slimy under-handed trick uses conferences to challenge a sitting President, and a completely derelict media has been fooled into thinking they're 'defending the democracy' in challenging the authority bestowed upon a President by the people. The 'resistance' or 'Resist Trump' as it were.
The underlying principle behind this 'movement' isn't rooted in principles at all. Rather, it's derived from the fact their own principal wasn't elected.
How's that for invoking Occam's Razor?
It's not Trump the problem.
It's the establishment led by the Democrat party of the United States and its lackeys in the media.
That's my take on things.
Libery Law Site explains it better.
THIS Is What REAL Science Looks Like Ms. McKenna
Catherine McKenna (aka Climate Barbie) is your run of the progressive Environmental Minister (oops, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. No, I did not make that up.) pimping out the usual specious claims about climate change and how we (the is us) need to adjust our lives and pay for all their schemes which will mostly likely amount to little or nothing.
The idea that man-made public policy can thwart Mother Nature is beyond arrogance.
Thankfully Canadians are having none of her and her boss's (aka Zoolander) nonsense.
While I think Twitter's management are a bunch of anti-free speech twits, the one thing Twitter does is give a REAL VOICE to people who otherwise would not have a platform to challenge their masters. It permits informed voices to question (and exhibit healthy skepticism) a prevailing government stance running contrary to the people's will and wishes.
It's worth to keep reminding that Canada is a resource based economy for the most part. We derive much of our wealth from it. That we would try and stymy the industry for climate change is not just foolish, it's irresponsible and immoral as it could translate into lower growth and standard of living - and more debt.
McKenna, though, is not one to accept this rational and pragmatic view.
I mean witness her impulsive tweet about that alleged starving polar bear:
Those poor polar bears. Do they even know they're being used as pawns in the climate change wars?
Stand up for what? If climate change is real and it's man-made, then yeah, I guess you may feel compelled to jump and stand up and intervene. As one put it:
Now it's accelerating huh.
But what if climate change (climate is forever changing as any non-dope knows) is not man-made? Indeed, there's more than enough literature pointing it remains unclear if not flat out inconclusive. If accurate, then we'd be interfering with the natural unfolding of Mother Nature, no?
Alas, in Ms. McKenna's mind, we need to intervene and save the world based on faulty premises and emotional jargon.
You know - or should know- their MO at this point. Take an environmental event and stick a 'see? This is why we need to do something, anything NOW!' tag to it without proper context or facts. It really is the politics of emotion.
Anyway. About that polar bear. Turns out there really is nothing we could do.
Turns out. Well, it was just nature running its course.
We just happened to get a picture of a dying polar bear. Again, we fail to consider the scale of things. How many animals across the globe face death in this manner? Think about it. It's the natural order of things.
Taking a sad picture of an animal as proof for climate change policy is grotesque and ignorant on so many levels.
Party of science my foot.
The idea that man-made public policy can thwart Mother Nature is beyond arrogance.
Thankfully Canadians are having none of her and her boss's (aka Zoolander) nonsense.
While I think Twitter's management are a bunch of anti-free speech twits, the one thing Twitter does is give a REAL VOICE to people who otherwise would not have a platform to challenge their masters. It permits informed voices to question (and exhibit healthy skepticism) a prevailing government stance running contrary to the people's will and wishes.
It's worth to keep reminding that Canada is a resource based economy for the most part. We derive much of our wealth from it. That we would try and stymy the industry for climate change is not just foolish, it's irresponsible and immoral as it could translate into lower growth and standard of living - and more debt.
McKenna, though, is not one to accept this rational and pragmatic view.
I mean witness her impulsive tweet about that alleged starving polar bear:
Catherine McKenna Retweeted National Geographic
THIS is what climate change looks like. Climate change is real. As are its impacts. Time to stand up for our polar bears and our planet.
Those poor polar bears. Do they even know they're being used as pawns in the climate change wars?
Stand up for what? If climate change is real and it's man-made, then yeah, I guess you may feel compelled to jump and stand up and intervene. As one put it:
Do you see any snow on the ground. The climate is changing. This is not the first picture of an emaciated polar bear. "Evolution cannot compete with man accelerated climate change."
2 replies0 retweets0 likes
But what if climate change (climate is forever changing as any non-dope knows) is not man-made? Indeed, there's more than enough literature pointing it remains unclear if not flat out inconclusive. If accurate, then we'd be interfering with the natural unfolding of Mother Nature, no?
Alas, in Ms. McKenna's mind, we need to intervene and save the world based on faulty premises and emotional jargon.
You know - or should know- their MO at this point. Take an environmental event and stick a 'see? This is why we need to do something, anything NOW!' tag to it without proper context or facts. It really is the politics of emotion.
Anyway. About that polar bear. Turns out there really is nothing we could do.
Turns out. Well, it was just nature running its course.
We just happened to get a picture of a dying polar bear. Again, we fail to consider the scale of things. How many animals across the globe face death in this manner? Think about it. It's the natural order of things.
Taking a sad picture of an animal as proof for climate change policy is grotesque and ignorant on so many levels.
Party of science my foot.
CNN, CBS, MSNBC And Their Lackeys: Spreaders Of False Of Narratives And Cui Bono?
The question now to be asked is, why is the maintstream media ferociously attacking Trump? The more they spread falsehoods the more they put the spotlight onto their motives. Cui bono?
Greenwald, as usual, eviscerates CNN, CBS and MSNBC in his latest article:
Greenwald, as usual, eviscerates CNN, CBS and MSNBC in his latest article:
"...How can journalists and news outlets so flamboyantly act offended when they’re attacked as being “Fake News” when this is the conduct behind which they hide when they get caught disseminating incredibly consequential false stories?
The more serious you think the Trump/Russia story is, the more dangerous you think it is when Trump attacks the U.S. media as “Fake News,” the more you should be disturbed by what happened here, the more transparency and accountability you should be demanding. If you’re someone who thinks Trump’s attacks on the media are dangerous, then you should be first in line objecting when they act recklessly and demand transparency and accountability from them. It is debacles like this — and the subsequent corporate efforts to obfuscate — that have made the U.S. media so disliked and that fuel and empower Trump’s attacks on them.
Third, this type of recklessness and falsity is now a clear and highly disturbing trend — one could say a constant — when it comes to reporting on Trump, Russia and WikiLeaks. I have spent a good part of the last year documenting the extraordinarily numerous, consequential and reckless stories that have been published — and then corrected, rescinded and retracted — by major media outlets when it comes to this story...."
"...No matter your views on those political controversies, no matter how much you hate Trump or regard Russia as a grave villain and threat to our cherished democracy and freedoms, it has to be acknowledged that when the U.S. media is spewing constant false news about all of this, that, too, is a grave threat to our democracy and cherished freedom.
So numerous are the false stories about Russia and Trump over the last year that I literally cannot list them all. Just consider the ones from the last week alone, as enumerated by the New York Times yesterday in its news report on CNN’s embarrassment..."
The media has also pushed an agenda to impeach Trump without a single shred of evidence to do so. Which begs another question people may begin to ask: When does their deliberate spreading of false narratives cross over into sedition?
Quote Of The Day And The Inhumanity Of The Secular State
"Then-New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg famously banned people from donating food to city shelters in 2012 "because the city can't assess their salt, fat and fiber content.""
Former NYC Michael Bloomberg. Arrogant, self-absorbed, twit.
This is what happens when the secular state ripped the role of the Church out of caring for the sick and poor - which it was vastly superior at.
Government crack downs, for example, on good samaritans we see more and more of is less designed to proceed anyone and more to remind who is boss and to prevent them from looking bad. Same with 'association groups' like, for example, for the AMA (which supported Obamacare - a form of government sanctioned welfare that removes agency from free peoples). None of them want anyone on their turf.
The latest story comes from Atlanta (is it a surprise it's a Democrat strong hold? I'm connecting the good old fashioned dots of how much the left loathes religion and the Church. Just saying) where police are handing out fines to people for the crime of....feeding the homeless.
Think about this for one second.
We fine people for being kind because they don't have a permit. It's not kindness unless it's been issued by a benevolent bureaucrat.
We fine people for being kind because they don't have a permit. It's not kindness unless it's been issued by a benevolent bureaucrat.
We're taught all the key words from young about how to be civil and do our parts in a civilized society; to do good by our communities. Cooperation, compassion, to respect and say hello to our neighbours and so on.
Yet, everything the government does runs contrary to this.
It *says* it's for our own good but instead, it rips to shreds the notion of humanism.
It has to. Humanism has nothing to do with it, votes and how it calculates into power do.
This is how cynicism seeps into the mindset of people.
'Why should I? Let the government deal with them' is a most unfortunate way to think with horrible and horrific implications.
That's why the Catholic Church for hundreds of years were the greatest provider of care. It's no coincidence they invented the concepts of charity and hospitals as we know it. They were compassionate for their fellow humans.
Bloomberg or De Blasio or whoever else ordering these 'fining hits' couldn't care less about you.
Don't believe me?
Such actions are to remind you who you serve. Once upon a time it was God.
Now it's City Hall or any government agency.
Everything is a contradiction with government. They're good to tell you to be 'kind' and are just as quickly likely to fine you if it runs afoul with some absurd law.
Ask yourself this. Despite they billions and billions the progressive state has spent on welfare and various wars on poverty and drugs, are we better off?
I've written in the past we're now a 'hyper secular state'. One in which that has completely lost the original intent of what the Catholic Church taught people about how to treat one another. The howls of 'separation of Church and State' was strictly a political one that extended into how we govern one another on a personal level. Like many things in our past, we also misunderstand the origins of how we arrived at the separation but that's not for this post here to discuss.
And where people fall through the cracks - the truth is believe it or not from what I've learned over the years the homeless do possess dignity and don't necessarily want government welfare or handouts. Some simply prefer to live out on the streets or elsewhere - there is absolutely nothing wrong in their fellow man to hand them some bloody fool.
Cracking down on them is immoral.
Pure and simple.
The Mayor of Atlanta and others like him should think about this the next time they sit in Church.
Phrases I Hate
Predatory Practices.
I don't know who came up with or whence it came from but quite frankly I don't care. It's a term generally used by populists and leftists looking to demonize or 'regulate'unfettered capitalism and the free-enterprise system. "Unfettered" capitalism. There's another good for nothing meaningless Marxist phrase.
It's a terrible way of thinking presupposing an all too popular belief among the left that businesses exist for profit strictly by exploiting and gouging.
To think this way is to not understand business and concepts like 'economies of scale' and the idea that prices generally tend to come down over time thanks to efficiencies in production and rising demand.
No company wants to keep prices up for its own sake. They try and follow price signals and go where the demand takes them. If they price themselves out they're out of business because of competitive forces.
Regulation aiming to cap and manage prices only worsen things since it generally slows down entrepreneurial process and natural competition by way of new entrants into a market.
Don't fall prey to this phrase I hate.
See what I did there?
I don't know who came up with or whence it came from but quite frankly I don't care. It's a term generally used by populists and leftists looking to demonize or 'regulate'
It's a terrible way of thinking presupposing an all too popular belief among the left that businesses exist for profit strictly by exploiting and gouging.
To think this way is to not understand business and concepts like 'economies of scale' and the idea that prices generally tend to come down over time thanks to efficiencies in production and rising demand.
No company wants to keep prices up for its own sake. They try and follow price signals and go where the demand takes them. If they price themselves out they're out of business because of competitive forces.
Regulation aiming to cap and manage prices only worsen things since it generally slows down entrepreneurial process and natural competition by way of new entrants into a market.
Don't fall prey to this phrase I hate.
See what I did there?
Daily Derp: A Derp Divided Against Itself Can't Stand...Or Something
They go back to June!
I think there are like, one thousand links for your reading pleasure. I didn't feel like breaking it up into multiple derps.
Lucky you.
Aaaaannnd a-waaaayyyy we go....
Continent be out of its mind:
"...According to Reuters, finance ministers in France, Germany, Spain and Italy have written a joint letter calling for digital multinationals such as Amazon and Google to be taxed in Europe based on their revenues. “We should no longer accept that these companies do business in Europe while paying minimal amounts of tax to our treasuries,” the four ministers wrote in a letter seen by the news agency."
File under: This Won't End Well.
How Western style environmentalism kills Africa.
File under: Shit that became obvious over time.
I just can't keep up with what goes on the modern university/college campus anymore.
Lunatics run the asylum it seems. Berkeley, Yale, Harvard...
All toilet paper degrees.
Where would we be without Bill Maher to put sexual assault into perspective?
Since he possesses a rather puerile and facile take on religion and libertarianism, why not keep going?
Sooooo, basically Al Franken not the same as Weinstein (and of course Trump) because it's not 'grope-grope'. Take a now Whoopi, your 'it's not rape-rape' is gaining traction with the half-wits!
Funny how they keep on Trump but for 20 + years they kept their hypocritical mouths shut about Bill Clinton. Now they're all so brave pissing on him because Clinton Inc. lost a lot of its political power and can't ruin lives like they used to.
Heroes. All of you. Take a bow.
Twitter is at it again. Far right they'll close down. Far left? Meh.
I mean, it's not like people who stand by a murderous ideology with a failed track record laced with nothing but human misery are any less ignorant and idiotic, right?
Fuckheads run Twitter.
I'm not on social media and I invite people who are addicted to it to get off it. It's destroying your IQ and you seeing in the flesh how freedom of speech is always the first casualty among weak and meek minds.
Twitter should be fighting tooth and nail for the right for people to express their views.
Alas, it's easier to not be actually principled but pretend to be.
/face palm.
Texas lawyer 'wouldn't mind' if DeVos was raped.
Of course he wouldn't, it's what progressives in positions of power love to do.
The progressive, tolerant left.
South Park rules.
#3-5. Lol.
Diversity is so awesome Finnish police are getting sub-machine guns.
Not sure why Dan LeBatard thinks it's factually incorrect ESPN is not liberal. It's pretty much an open secret it's on board with the SJW narrative. That he wasn't specifically told doesn't mean it's not happening because it clearly is.
See Jemele Hill. /face palm.
Yes. I 'get the show.'
God bless Texas.
Texan heroes who chased down a man who murrdered several people in a Church.
Stephen Willeford and Johnnie Langendorff are the two men.
"A number of so-called scientific journals have accepted a Star Wars-themed spoof paper. The manuscript is an absurd mess of factual errors, plagiarism and movie quotes. I know because I wrote it."
The intellectual dishonesty of the left in Venn diagrams via FEE.
As people over react irrationally to Trump, he's quietly undoing the most odious of Obama era policies.
Trump won't require businesses to report on pay by gender and race.
Warning: Paywall.
"Judicial Watch announced today that it has received new documents from both the Secret Service and the Air Force relating to Obama travel expenses, bringing the known total over the past eight years to $96,938,882.51. The reports contain information regarding Obama’s Earth Day trip to the Florida Everglades, a political fundraising trip to San Diego, Michelle Obama’s annual Aspen ski trip, her trip to Morocco, a family vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, as well as Hillary’s ride with Obama on Air Force One to North Carolina.
Judicial Watch filed two separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits for Secret Service costs related to Obama travel (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)) and (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:16-cv-00863)). The Secret Service is a component of the Department of Homeland Security."
Changes in NET WORTH of political representatives.
Called the Personal Gain Index.
Republicans lead the list. But the leader is Democrat with a whoppingly obscene c. 73 000% change!
/strokes chin.
Obamacare still a mess.
Kathy Griffith retracts apology because reaction was too much.
She was represented by Lisa Bloom. Look her up. Hint: Weinstein.
Pieces of work these two.
There's something seriously wrong with Keith Olbermann.
Like seriously. He compared Trump to Bin Laden.
Sheesh progressives. Hitler or Bin Laden? Which is it?
Olbermann was embroiled in a Twitter kerfuffle with Montreal's own loud mouth'd shnook Jack Todd.
Retard alert!
Whatever happened to the 'Berkeley Bunch'?
Sometimes there are no words. Speaking of knife control...the alt-left is angling to ban cars from the cart in the wake of the NYC terrorist attack.
We all knew it would come to this.
Ban and tax. It's all they know.
“The way I responded this morning was wrong,” she told The Star. “I’m frustrated. Did I mean the statement? No. Am I frustrated? Absolutely. The president is causing damage. He’s causing hate.”
Hey, Jeff Blair, is that you?
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article167755572.html#storylink=cpy
Mental illness. How to define sometimes?
Here's an example.
"My name is Eric. I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. "
He's a left-wing professor who almost killed a guy by smashing his head with a bike lock.
Or we can just go with a 'Retard Alert'.
You're a coward and a thug who can't be accountable for your action borne of your own free will, Eric. You deserve what ever justice is meted out to you.
An Antifa recruit in all his sublime ignorance.
Love how commies who commit atrocities suddenly become 'right-wing'. Sorta like how they flip - without proof - the factually racist background of the DNC as having migrated to the GOP.
It's all horse shit and further proof of a failed education system.
Jesus fella. The internet is forever!
No Pope. You have it wrong. The President - any President - has the right to manage immigration as he sees fit.International refugees do not trump national security. Take that crap to Sweden or Germany.
Ukraine opens probe of Hillary's ties to that country.
The Russia narrative (which was bull shit from the get-go) is imploding - finally and thankfully. Unfortunately, they've poisoned so much of the civil discourse. They were willing to let this lie drive trying to impeach the President.
Just a foul, wretched bunch.
Other than that. Oh, you mean like what plenty of sane people and publications of sound mind and editorial standards - including Assange and Greenwald - have been saying all along?
State of individualism in the world.
Open comment to Maduro: Shut the fuck up you socialist scoundrel. You're the last person who should be casting dispersions on Trump.
Kill your pets.
For the environment.
No one is immune from TDS.
The protected political class is pant shitting.
Pre #metoo but still a reminder of how dangerous a game this is for innocent men.
"Tami Barker, who said she was canceling a guest’s booking because the woman was Asian, must take a course in Asian American studies"
No. This is real. Just like all those 'sensitivity training' and 'diversity' classes people are being forced to take against their will.
Barker is a pathetic individual but that's what it is to live in a free world. Let AirBNB, the free market and general population deal with her.
Speaking of those two incompetents, I don't know, speaking of the Middle-East and Africa, what to make of it anymore. Years of reading about it and I'm still no closer to remotely reaching a reasonable grasp.
The whole Syria thing was just weird. Why Obama insisted, without proof, Assad was the only one engaging in chemical warfare (we know this not true) to the point of arming his enemies who happened to be aligned with ISIS is beyond me. Since Trump reversed this policy, ISIS has been pushed back.
Good riddance Denis Coderre. That scene he pulled with Shane Down was shameless.
Now that's effective advertising!
It's hard to believe even liberals who watch this aren't disgusted.
U.S. leaves Paris Accord. Trump doesn't like the deal.
Either way. Good move.
Hm. Huh.
Funny. I could have sworn no activist judges got in Obama's way when he was deporting Mexicans, right?
What's the difference between the left and their apocalyptic fear of climate change and religious fanatics who believe in the apocalypse?
Hyper-intellecuals are dangerous.
Biblical, zombie, climate change and robots.
These were my notes. No clue what I was going to do with this but it sounds interesting.
Oh look, climate change's Lyle Lanley (aka Al Gore) is still pimping climate catastrophe.
London: City of cucks.
Mark Steyn tells it like it is on diversity.
And it's not pretty.
America's school funding problem according to NPR.
Slate explains how Trump and his trolls are saving comedy.
Well, for starters it would help to lighten up.
Oh shut up you idiots.
Now go bust up some child molestation rings instead of going after free citizens.
George Clooney:
We are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. We were the ones who talked about AIDS when it was being whispered. We talked about civil rights when it wasn’t really popular. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I’m proud to be part of this Academy. I’m proud to be part of this community. I’m proud to be out of touch
Hollywood: Superficial nitwits who over rate themselves.
Easily startled police street signs in the Twin Cities.
Polls (snicker) say Trump's approval ratings are in the high 30s. I think it's safe to assume these polls stink.
Still better than how the public views media though!
Democrats rebrand themselves. Or at least they think they did with their 'A Better Way' slogan.
A better way through SJW.
Hope and Change didn't quite work out I guess.
But don't tell that to Michelle Obama who thinks the country needs hundreds more just like her and Barry.
And DocuSign seems to like her plan.
/face palm.
I just don't see how attacking the President at every turn is helpful let alone enlightened.
Then again, we are talking about the vastly over rated Obamas here.
Justin Trudeau is misplaced arrogance reason 49595.
He has a knack for not answering questions. He probably thinks he sounds smart and has people fooled. I mean, look at the cocky smirk.
Makes you want to politely smack it off.
Not seen on the media smashed hard drives taken from Wasserman-Shultz.
"We wrote a Commentary on van Anders (2015) “Beyond Sexual Orientation,” to which we added the title “Fighting the Derpy Science of Sexuality” (2016); regrettably, we did so without adequate research on the term “derpy.” In their response to our Commentary, van Anders and Schudson (2017) call us out for the use of this “ablist slur” in our title."
You know.
You could have just asked me.
/finger to lips
We wrote a Commentary on van Anders (2015) “Beyond Sexual Orientation,” to which we added the title “Fighting the Derpy Science of Sexuality” (2016); regrettably, we did so without adequate research on the term “derpy.” In their response to our Commentary, van Anders and Schudson (2017) call us out for the use of this “ablist slur” in our title.
Real Peer Review.
One of the best Twitter accounts.
Michelle Obama's middling, empty philosophical musings on full display.
It's worth noting, on the issue of entitlement, Michelle was given a ceremonial 600k a year job at a hospital to which it's been reported she never showed up to. So crucial was the position and Michelle to the hospital, they eliminated it oncethe kick back her husband left office.
They're constructing an image of men that is irreal; incongruent to reality.
I know one thing, if Barack is the model she believes we should emulate, I say no thanks.
He's exactly how you don't want men to be in my view.
Everyday Michelle should kneel before her bed and thank God she lives in the United States. Few countries reward dullards like her and her ilk.
Myth of drug expiration dates.
When Democrats flee.
IT Staffer for House Democrats Imran Awan. Take a bow.
Debbie has her greasy prints all over it.
Hey, what did you do to MUH NYT? This makes too much sense. To the logical, the benefits of private financing is obvious. Not so much for others.
Oh, that's more like it. Phew. Speech is violence routine is right up there for their pseudo-intellectual disposition.
It's good Quebec wants to fight corruption, but unless its institutions are up to the task, UPAC will over step its boundaries as it looks to expand its powers.
OC Weekly versus police:
"Hey, Huntington Beach PD: Did we do good in this world by reminding everyone that you still employ a dirty cop who has cost city taxpayers millions of dollars and inflicted death and injuries on innocents? Here's some advice: If you're going to roll with the pigs in the media mud, better learn how to squeal."
Other than not knowing we had 'Sharia compliant mortgages' in Canada (yikes!), one thing this story about Muslim Madoff shows there are cheats and criminals regardless of religion and attire.
One explanation why progressives resort to violence.
They also tend to project their violence onto other ideologies as we see though their bullying of libertarianism.
Recently, an unemployed, socialist anti-Trump man violently attacked Ron Paul and put him in the hospital. What do the left do? They take the opportunity to show case their intellectual short comings by attacking libertarianism. Apparently people with principled notions of private property deserve (literally) a beating if they go against HOAs and 'rules'. So blaming the victim it totes okay within this straw man. Paul is the bad guy.
The assault was alleged to be due to a landscape dispute. Whatever happened to 'when they go low we go high' and 'civil discourse' and all the other empty platitudes the left loves to spew?
And when they do acknowledge it's wrong, it comes with a 'to be sure' clause. GQ now publishes hot political takes too now. Sure why not? I look forward to Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay or Masterchef enlightening us all with their political options on the Food Network.
Like I often write on this blog, principals over principles when it comes to the progressive outlook.
In any event, tying a dispute between neighbours to ideology is stupid and you're an idiot for engaging in it.
As if these sorts of things happen because of someone's ideology. It happens every single day for endless and countless reasons across the continent.
Polifact. Use it at your own peril.
The TDS virus has infiltrated.
There is no electric car revolution.
And bikes are civilization as Oregonians are fining out.
Haiti official who exposed Clinton Foundation found dead.
Remember the movie The Firm? I await one called The Foundation.
Snopes, of all places, does a good job of breaking down TDS. To people not infected, it was all pretty obvious. Alas, people need our help. Obamacare doesn't cover TDS - for obvious reasons.
One of the symptoms of TDS is believing unsubstantiated stories about Russia.
It 'unhinges' people's better judgment. Researchers are looking for a cure to 'hook' their better sense up again.
"We're a few years away but we don't think there's a full cure' according to T.C.
The Southern Poverty Law Centre recently put Lauren Southern on their hate list.
In other words, they just added someone they merely disagree with. Personally, I don't see a) the need and b) what's so threatening about her.
However, I do agree with the notion the SPLC is extremely dangerous in its antics. Heck, I could be added for merely writing this given their low standards and threshold for such things.
Fusion GPS is shady as shady.
WWII photos celebrating its end.
No. Feminism will not solve sexism because, well, human nature and all that. That and the fact much of new wave feminism is rooted in mostly false narratives.
Sexual assault scandals in Hollywood (which isn't exactly representative of normal civil society) notwithstanding.
What it will accomplish - and some say it already has - is it will emasculate men further; or basically turn men into cucks.
Hollywood is good at lecturing us about morality despite the absence of morality in the industry.
It shouldn't surprise anyone about the sexual assault stories (although we should all proceed carefully so as to not let this turn into a wicked witch hunt without giving the accused their due process) in Hollywood but its arrogance of openly talking about assassinating Trump is beyond the pale.
And that includes jerk offs who try and justify it a-la Jack Moore of GQ when he offered the left-wing calculus of Libertarians = assholes = fair game for a beating.
I'm just glad there's a chance here to finally break the monopoly that exists in Hollywood. Just like blogging helped to democratize journalism and show that truth can't be funnelled into a few newspapers or news anchors (much to the chagrin of the gatekeepers and we see how they're lashing out), companies like Netflix give outlets to actors. The more of them, the better since it lessens any grip one person may have. All the power in one person inevitably leads to assholes like Weinstein.
Trying not to offend someone is an exercise in futility. No matter how hard or well-meaning you will always offend someone somehow. Which is why I don't shy away from unPC terms or vulgar language on this blog. No one owns words or phrases nor do they have the right to not be offended.
'Nigger', for example, is a word that we're free to use in proper context. We shouldn't over react when it is used to make a point or in some other acceptable capacity.
If you do this, you're just paving a path to hell.
Oh shut up.
People have debased the word 'impeach' like they did Nazi and racist.
Ethics Commission looks into Finance Minister Morneau.
If he does run afoul, all one can ask is 'wtf' followed by a face palm.
The lack of judgment and wisdom is the rule in Trudeua's arrogant government.
Hillary's secret take over the DNC.
But Trump is the tyrant who needs to be impeached kids.
It was nice knowing you Germany.
CNN repeatedly caught being hacks:
"The cases of misreported or erroneously reported major news stories begin to make you wonder, 'Are the news media just out there to get Trump,'" says W. Joseph Campbell, communications professor at American University and the author of Getting It Wrong: Ten of the Greatest Misreported Stories in American Journalism. "The relationship with the president is very tense and is very strained and very stretched, and probably more stretched than strained than it has been in the recent past."
KKK membership is anywhere between 3000 and 6000.
But the BBC felt it necessary to report on this fringe organization on the periphery of American life that no one pays attention to.
And what makes the BBC full of shit is they almost most assuredly know this fact.
If I'm the BBC I'd worry more about the violent left-wing screw balls and violent Islam in the UK. Unless George Soros has them by the balls too.
But hey. BBC, CNN, CBC. All part of the narrative network.
Hm. This is strange. I had this Douthat Tweet lined up but it has since disappeared. Did he remove it or did the tyrants at Twitter force him to?
I tried to link to it but it says the account was suspended and couldn't find it on his feed.
File under: Why I loathe Twitter reason 99599697.
One habit Justin has developed is to not answer questions in a forthright and honest manner. He dips, dodges, ducks and dives and isn't particularly good at it.
You want to smack that smirk right off, no?
Democrats vs. Republicans occupations.
Oh look, Democrats dominate media and academia.
Here's my stunned pose.
It's about time someone educates the ignorant.
Whenever half wits like Jemele Hill make a preposterous statement it should be challenged at every turn particularly this 'owners own slaves' narrative.
Draymond Green - noted scholar and intellect - even got his licks in.
Until Mark Cuban laid it to rest with a simple damn fact: Companies own EQUITY; not people.
Now go take some business courses.
And you're damn straight they'd better start issuing apologies for their unsubstantiated claims. It's one thing to spew ignorance and quite another to impugn people's names or races with it. If you do, you will be justly challenged and called to cite or back up your argument with FACTS and REASON.
Green doubles down with is ignorance here.
Lines need to be drawn here because pretty soon these millionaire asses are gonna whine about the word 'owner' soon.
The other part about this is it harkens to Marx's economic systems that went from tribal to ownership to slavery to feudalism and to where we're at with capitalism. Of course, he asserts communism will eventually overtake capitalism.
Notice ownership is before slavery.
Is Green, wittingly or otherwise, suggesting we're going backwards?
Ideas to waste tax dollars on: Bailing out newspapers.
They made their lousy beds. Let them sink.
Journalists continuing to pretend they're objective despite their overt liberalism/progressivism and Democrat leanings points to how disconnected they are - and insulting.
Everyone should let their masks slip once and for all.
Say what you want about Fox but they admit they're conservative and it makes for a better product, more authentic and even competent and responsible.
Why didn't I think of that?
Economics deniers? I love it!
I kid.
It's a stupid term all around.
15 times Planned Parenthood caught helping a rapist.
There is a population explosion in parts of Africa and Macron was correct in his comments.
Alas, these are times where you can't say anything that is not part of the left-wing orthodoxy.
There was nothing racist in what he said.
It's just a fact.
Let's spot the pop goes the weasel word!
"...When the Dakota Access Pipeline was approved, that removed $6-7 per barrel of cost from producing oil in the region, which brought more investment and jobs here,” he wrote. “A number of people told me they had felt their livelihood was blocked by the government, but when (Donald) Trump approved the pipeline they felt a sense of hope again. That word ‘hope’ came up many times around this. One person told me the night the pipeline was approved, people lit fireworks and rode trucks with American flags down Main Street to celebrate.
"It's interesting to see this perspective when science overwhelmingly suggests fossil fuels contribute to climate change."
Aside from the smugness of the his comment - cute but don't these people know they're killing the planet because sciencey? - notice how it went from fossil fuels (and greenhouse gases) being the main contributor and with man its biggest threat to 'overwhelming suggests' it 'contributes to climate change. And climate, as we all know, changes. All the time.
Neat trick they got going there.
Shift, shift, move goals posts.
He musta fainted when he heard they celebrated when Trump opened up the pipeline.
I wish the widow of the American soldiers Khadr killed gets her wish but I doubt it.
A despicable move by the Canadian government.
Paradise Papers show trouble in paradise for Trudeau.
Par for the course. Protestors call for violent revolution.
They're nothing more than wannabe Marxists.
Dummy asks if her children can be friends with white children at NYT.
It's an infuriatingly depressing read but NYT readers love this racist garbage.
File under: Fall of the West.
Which is exactly what they want.
Losers in Seattle.
So the socialists in Seattle voted for an income tax on the rich.
Guess what's gonna happen as it always has for thousands of years?
That's right. They're going to move 'things around' and Seattle is gonna get jack shit.
And then guess what's gonna happen?
They're going to raid and steal from the population not deemed rich. They're coming after you next.
“No matter who starts out paying it, everyone will eventually suffer,” foundation CEO Tom McCabe said in the statement, warning that the tax would creep down the income ladder."
That's precisely going to happen.
"But Sawant insisted her only desire is to “tax the rich,” and Herbold said the legislation has been designed to give the city its best chance in court."
That's exactly what won't happen.
One of the most outrageous things to believe is that taxes are the price to pay for civilization. That's why you hear fools say 'I'd be happy to pay more taxes!"
More NYT faux-intellectual nonsense:
"Recently I took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch. Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop. Suddenly I saw her face freeze up as she was confronted with sandwiches named “Padrino” and “Pomodoro” and ingredients like soppressata, capicollo and a striata baguette. I quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and she anxiously nodded yes and we ate Mexican."
The douche is strong with this one.
Even a simple 150th anniversary the Trudeau liberals messed up with all their SJW bull shit.
Raimondo on Cathy Young and the Russophobia hitting the libertarian ranks.
One day they're gonna put in a book about how easy it was to fabricate the Russian narrative.
An interview with Nancy Fraser about 'progressive neoliberalism' and the need for a new 'progressive narrative' at Open Democracy. I don't agree with the progressive movement (as if you can't tell) but I appreciate the tone and reasonable position of Ms. Fraser. It's actually required for a healthy intellectual discourse lest libertarians and conservatives become complacent as I believe theirs to be the better option and have been clear winners in the halls of debate in my view.
Is Germany interfering in Poland's affairs by angling for regime change?
You're a bad man Governor Brown.
The evil of Chicago PD runs deep. What a rotten cess pool of unprincipled jerk offs.
How a man (and I use the term loosely) like Guevara who sent innocent people to prison looks at himself in the mirror and his family at the dinner table in the eyes is beyond me. He has no soul.
Here's hoping for karmic justice.
Obamacare's impact on business.
Well according to leftists you don't deserved to be in business if you can't give them your money. And apparently it's all lies:
Dennis Kucinich gets it. Democrats will lose this fight.
Comey's private memos on Trump contained classified material.
How the left lost its mind.
Religions and their political affiliations.
AS Roma and Uber strike a deal. Usual suspects don't like it.
Roma fans are known to have communist, erm, sympathies.
Another big government story looking to ruin businesses...and lives:
Government agencies like TABC use Mafia-like tactics to get their way.
Muslim groups call for boycott of Starbucks.
I don't see anything out of...Ohhhhh....
"Muslim groups in Malaysia and Indonesia have called for a boycott of Starbucks because of the coffee chain's support for LGBT rights.
Shhh. Don't tell progressives about this.
Of Women's Marches and Jihad.
That NBC reporter wasted everyone's time trying to pimp her network's narrative.
Journalism you can believe in!
Crony capitalism explained in New York.
Pope says America has a distorted world view.
I beg to differ.
Is Trump really draining the swamp?
Scientists discover subatomic particle that may bind matter.
France (and the UK) looks to ban petrol diesel gas by 2040.
Break from Derp!
Back! Hope you took a nice...moving along.
The open defiance we see is not one rooted in principles but in hatred of people who disagree with them. The Constitution means absolutely nothing to them. All they are consumed by is ramming their vision and ideology they mistakenly see as enlightened.
How can they be principled when they're willing to uproot and openly challenge a democratically elected official while using the bureaucracy and media to undermine him? Do they not see they very actions they use can be used against them down the road? How stupid are they?
They want a fight. Many a progressive have arrogantly told me so. 'Fuck them' as one put it.
There's no way to enter a reasoned and rational discussion with them.
They're anti-intellectual.
They're anti-humanist.
They're treasonous.
Democrats are not acting irresponsibly with Trump but they also have incoherent economic ideas.
Shared humanity versus ethnic identity.
Central Europe stand in defiance of EU on immigration.
Former DT of the Saskatchewan Roughriders and current scout of the Montreal Alouettes Marcus Adams:
“When Trump got into office, white supremacists got more confident, because they have one of their own in the White House,”
For once I'd like a reporter to reply, 'do you have proof?'
You're entitled to your opinion, sure, but to pass it as fact without evidence is plain wrong.
“That’s why you see these rallies happening so often. You didn’t see that very much, before. Racism never really left, but you see so much more of it. This is why athletes kneel.”
Again. Citation?
Canadian sniped kills ISIS terrorist from two miles away.
"Scientist who chaired International Agency for Research on Cancer monograph on glyphosate reportedly withheld data."
So far, it's been Hollywood celebrities embroiled in sexual assault scandals. Makes you wonder if it's only a matter of time a rock star is accused.
Marxism: A rebuttal.
Put down the Kung Pao and go to work.
U.S. issues arrest warrant for VW execs who cheated on the emissions standards.
Theater? Shakedown? Hypocrisy? All of the above?
Antifa opens self-defence gym.
Free country.
I guess.
Interesting judicial background on Trump's travel bans going back to 1972.
NYT editors decry layoffs.
Write better.
SPLC extremist list uses to silence speakers?
Steyn: Trudeau = Sock puppet.
People will die.
Life expectancy goes down under Obamacare for the first time in years.
Beverley Hills Antifa.
Men and women are not the same
John McEnroe has nothing to apologize for.
He wasn't being misogynistic or disrespecting Williams.
What was ridiculous was her response. That she never played a man somehow diminishes McEnroe's comments is not a rebuttal that negates his point.
Williams serve and forehand may over power women and all around game wouldn't be much of a challenge to a college player let alone one on the pro tour.
I'm glad McEnroe is sticking to his guns and not apologizing. He has nothing to apologize for.
He was right.
And this has nothing to do with Williams and her excellence.
Oh here's a surprise. The left find a way to praise a monster.
CNN worries too much about Trump and the press.
The lack of self-awareness on display by Acosta is something else.
Now they worry about freedoms?
DeVos looks to rewrite Obama era education policies.
So now it's courageous to forcefully and superficially raise minimum wage? I didn't realize theft is noble.
Right. It *could* be...Robin Hood and all that. Come on, T.C.! The rich steal everything from the working classes!
Courageous to the stupid.
Government crackdown on the homeless. Progressives who love government force have a sadz and are surprised they would turn on them!
The Progressive Liberal wrestler!
Is the world ready?
McCain's tumor is eating his brain.
Claims Paul now works for Putin.
I think there are like, one thousand links for your reading pleasure. I didn't feel like breaking it up into multiple derps.
Lucky you.
Aaaaannnd a-waaaayyyy we go....
Continent be out of its mind:
"...According to Reuters, finance ministers in France, Germany, Spain and Italy have written a joint letter calling for digital multinationals such as Amazon and Google to be taxed in Europe based on their revenues. “We should no longer accept that these companies do business in Europe while paying minimal amounts of tax to our treasuries,” the four ministers wrote in a letter seen by the news agency."
File under: This Won't End Well.
How Western style environmentalism kills Africa.
File under: Shit that became obvious over time.
I just can't keep up with what goes on the modern university/college campus anymore.
Lunatics run the asylum it seems. Berkeley, Yale, Harvard...
All toilet paper degrees.
Where would we be without Bill Maher to put sexual assault into perspective?
Since he possesses a rather puerile and facile take on religion and libertarianism, why not keep going?
Sooooo, basically Al Franken not the same as Weinstein (and of course Trump) because it's not 'grope-grope'. Take a now Whoopi, your 'it's not rape-rape' is gaining traction with the half-wits!
Funny how they keep on Trump but for 20 + years they kept their hypocritical mouths shut about Bill Clinton. Now they're all so brave pissing on him because Clinton Inc. lost a lot of its political power and can't ruin lives like they used to.
Heroes. All of you. Take a bow.
Twitter is at it again. Far right they'll close down. Far left? Meh.
I mean, it's not like people who stand by a murderous ideology with a failed track record laced with nothing but human misery are any less ignorant and idiotic, right?
Fuckheads run Twitter.
I'm not on social media and I invite people who are addicted to it to get off it. It's destroying your IQ and you seeing in the flesh how freedom of speech is always the first casualty among weak and meek minds.
Twitter should be fighting tooth and nail for the right for people to express their views.
Alas, it's easier to not be actually principled but pretend to be.

/face palm.
Texas lawyer 'wouldn't mind' if DeVos was raped.
Of course he wouldn't, it's what progressives in positions of power love to do.
The progressive, tolerant left.
South Park rules.
#3-5. Lol.
Diversity is so awesome Finnish police are getting sub-machine guns.
Not sure why Dan LeBatard thinks it's factually incorrect ESPN is not liberal. It's pretty much an open secret it's on board with the SJW narrative. That he wasn't specifically told doesn't mean it's not happening because it clearly is.
See Jemele Hill. /face palm.
Yes. I 'get the show.'
God bless Texas.
Texan heroes who chased down a man who murrdered several people in a Church.
Stephen Willeford and Johnnie Langendorff are the two men.
"A number of so-called scientific journals have accepted a Star Wars-themed spoof paper. The manuscript is an absurd mess of factual errors, plagiarism and movie quotes. I know because I wrote it."
The intellectual dishonesty of the left in Venn diagrams via FEE.
As people over react irrationally to Trump, he's quietly undoing the most odious of Obama era policies.
Trump won't require businesses to report on pay by gender and race.
Warning: Paywall.
"Judicial Watch announced today that it has received new documents from both the Secret Service and the Air Force relating to Obama travel expenses, bringing the known total over the past eight years to $96,938,882.51. The reports contain information regarding Obama’s Earth Day trip to the Florida Everglades, a political fundraising trip to San Diego, Michelle Obama’s annual Aspen ski trip, her trip to Morocco, a family vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, as well as Hillary’s ride with Obama on Air Force One to North Carolina.
Judicial Watch filed two separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits for Secret Service costs related to Obama travel (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)) and (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:16-cv-00863)). The Secret Service is a component of the Department of Homeland Security."
Changes in NET WORTH of political representatives.
Called the Personal Gain Index.
Republicans lead the list. But the leader is Democrat with a whoppingly obscene c. 73 000% change!
/strokes chin.
"...For the first time in history, the majority of America's elected officials in Washington, D.C. are millionaires.[1][2] At the same time, 50 percent of Americans cannot afford to spend $5,000 in an emergency.[3]
The median American citizen[4] saw his or her household net worth decrease from 2004 to 2012 by an annual rate of -0.94 percent, while members of Congress experienced a median annual increase of 1.55 percent. Congress saw a total increase of $316.5 million in assets held by all members in the study."
Obamacare still a mess.
Kathy Griffith retracts apology because reaction was too much.
She was represented by Lisa Bloom. Look her up. Hint: Weinstein.
Pieces of work these two.
There's something seriously wrong with Keith Olbermann.
Like seriously. He compared Trump to Bin Laden.
Sheesh progressives. Hitler or Bin Laden? Which is it?
Olbermann was embroiled in a Twitter kerfuffle with Montreal's own loud mouth'd shnook Jack Todd.
Retard alert!
Whatever happened to the 'Berkeley Bunch'?
Sometimes there are no words. Speaking of knife control...the alt-left is angling to ban cars from the cart in the wake of the NYC terrorist attack.
We all knew it would come to this.
Ban and tax. It's all they know.
“The way I responded this morning was wrong,” she told The Star. “I’m frustrated. Did I mean the statement? No. Am I frustrated? Absolutely. The president is causing damage. He’s causing hate.”
Hey, Jeff Blair, is that you?
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article167755572.html#storylink=cpy
Mental illness. How to define sometimes?
Here's an example.
"My name is Eric. I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. "
He's a left-wing professor who almost killed a guy by smashing his head with a bike lock.
Or we can just go with a 'Retard Alert'.
You're a coward and a thug who can't be accountable for your action borne of your own free will, Eric. You deserve what ever justice is meted out to you.
An Antifa recruit in all his sublime ignorance.
Love how commies who commit atrocities suddenly become 'right-wing'. Sorta like how they flip - without proof - the factually racist background of the DNC as having migrated to the GOP.
It's all horse shit and further proof of a failed education system.
Jesus fella. The internet is forever!
No Pope. You have it wrong. The President - any President - has the right to manage immigration as he sees fit.International refugees do not trump national security. Take that crap to Sweden or Germany.
Ukraine opens probe of Hillary's ties to that country.
The Russia narrative (which was bull shit from the get-go) is imploding - finally and thankfully. Unfortunately, they've poisoned so much of the civil discourse. They were willing to let this lie drive trying to impeach the President.
Just a foul, wretched bunch.
Other than that. Oh, you mean like what plenty of sane people and publications of sound mind and editorial standards - including Assange and Greenwald - have been saying all along?
State of individualism in the world.
Open comment to Maduro: Shut the fuck up you socialist scoundrel. You're the last person who should be casting dispersions on Trump.
Kill your pets.
For the environment.
Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state."
No one is immune from TDS.
The protected political class is pant shitting.
Pre #metoo but still a reminder of how dangerous a game this is for innocent men.
"Tami Barker, who said she was canceling a guest’s booking because the woman was Asian, must take a course in Asian American studies"
No. This is real. Just like all those 'sensitivity training' and 'diversity' classes people are being forced to take against their will.
Barker is a pathetic individual but that's what it is to live in a free world. Let AirBNB, the free market and general population deal with her.
The city, which is home of the University of Maryland’s main campus and nearly 30,000 residents, is weighing approval of the new measure to let noncitizens cast ballots for mayor and City Council, The Baltimore Sun reported Sunday."
A Vegan cafe in Melbourne decides to tax male customers 18% to make a point about the gender pay gap.
Let me see if I can make sense of this. Aside from questioning a man's decision to even consider going in there given it's deliberately sexist and (I'm guessing) probably against labour laws, the best way to make a point is to discriminate?
Now. If you're predisposed, I suppose, to believe that the pay gap is done on purpose (which isn't the case), then perhaps you may have a point but this simply flies in the face of the reality of the facts. This is not the place to get into why there are pay gaps but the idea that a woman gets paid less to do the same job as a man is false. If two people apply for the same job with a specified salary set up they will get the same salary offer. There have been studies where women get less but the conclusions as to why this happens vary including women not being as confident to asking for more - or a raise for that matter.
Never mind the little biological quirk of women having the most noble and important job of all: Birth. They generally leave the work force and work less hours. Feministis think, fine, we'll just not have children but that too comes with all sorts of unintended consequences because women do want to have children.
The other fact to keep in mind is women athletes who demand to be paid the same as their male counterparts fail to grasp (or just plain ignore) men's sports generate far more revenues that reflect their salaries. In effect, they're demanding someone subsidize their pay because they don't generate the income flow justifying their raise to match men. It's literally wrong.
In any event, you're a rube if you purposefully let yourself be robbed that way by going in there.
All we need is for Trudeau to show up in one of these discriminatory places. Hey, he's a feminist after all.
Courtesy of Obama and Hillary.******
Speaking of those two incompetents, I don't know, speaking of the Middle-East and Africa, what to make of it anymore. Years of reading about it and I'm still no closer to remotely reaching a reasonable grasp.
The whole Syria thing was just weird. Why Obama insisted, without proof, Assad was the only one engaging in chemical warfare (we know this not true) to the point of arming his enemies who happened to be aligned with ISIS is beyond me. Since Trump reversed this policy, ISIS has been pushed back.
Good riddance Denis Coderre. That scene he pulled with Shane Down was shameless.
Now that's effective advertising!
It's hard to believe even liberals who watch this aren't disgusted.
U.S. leaves Paris Accord. Trump doesn't like the deal.
Either way. Good move.
Hm. Huh.
Funny. I could have sworn no activist judges got in Obama's way when he was deporting Mexicans, right?
What's the difference between the left and their apocalyptic fear of climate change and religious fanatics who believe in the apocalypse?
Hyper-intellecuals are dangerous.
Biblical, zombie, climate change and robots.
These were my notes. No clue what I was going to do with this but it sounds interesting.
Oh look, climate change's Lyle Lanley (aka Al Gore) is still pimping climate catastrophe.
London: City of cucks.
Mark Steyn tells it like it is on diversity.
And it's not pretty.
America's school funding problem according to NPR.
Slate explains how Trump and his trolls are saving comedy.
Well, for starters it would help to lighten up.
You can't hide from us if your spewing abuse from behind a computer screen. Our boys & gals in blue will find you

Oh shut up you idiots.
Now go bust up some child molestation rings instead of going after free citizens.
George Clooney:
We are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. We were the ones who talked about AIDS when it was being whispered. We talked about civil rights when it wasn’t really popular. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I’m proud to be part of this Academy. I’m proud to be part of this community. I’m proud to be out of touch
Hollywood: Superficial nitwits who over rate themselves.
Easily startled police street signs in the Twin Cities.
Polls (snicker) say Trump's approval ratings are in the high 30s. I think it's safe to assume these polls stink.
Still better than how the public views media though!
Democrats rebrand themselves. Or at least they think they did with their 'A Better Way' slogan.
A better way through SJW.
Hope and Change didn't quite work out I guess.
But don't tell that to Michelle Obama who thinks the country needs hundreds more just like her and Barry.
And DocuSign seems to like her plan.
/face palm.
I just don't see how attacking the President at every turn is helpful let alone enlightened.
Then again, we are talking about the vastly over rated Obamas here.
Justin Trudeau is misplaced arrogance reason 49595.
He has a knack for not answering questions. He probably thinks he sounds smart and has people fooled. I mean, look at the cocky smirk.
Makes you want to politely smack it off.
Not seen on the media smashed hard drives taken from Wasserman-Shultz.
"We wrote a Commentary on van Anders (2015) “Beyond Sexual Orientation,” to which we added the title “Fighting the Derpy Science of Sexuality” (2016); regrettably, we did so without adequate research on the term “derpy.” In their response to our Commentary, van Anders and Schudson (2017) call us out for the use of this “ablist slur” in our title."
You know.
You could have just asked me.
/finger to lips
We wrote a Commentary on van Anders (2015) “Beyond Sexual Orientation,” to which we added the title “Fighting the Derpy Science of Sexuality” (2016); regrettably, we did so without adequate research on the term “derpy.” In their response to our Commentary, van Anders and Schudson (2017) call us out for the use of this “ablist slur” in our title.
Real Peer Review.
One of the best Twitter accounts.
Michelle Obama's middling, empty philosophical musings on full display.
It's worth noting, on the issue of entitlement, Michelle was given a ceremonial 600k a year job at a hospital to which it's been reported she never showed up to. So crucial was the position and Michelle to the hospital, they eliminated it once
They're constructing an image of men that is irreal; incongruent to reality.
I know one thing, if Barack is the model she believes we should emulate, I say no thanks.
He's exactly how you don't want men to be in my view.
Everyday Michelle should kneel before her bed and thank God she lives in the United States. Few countries reward dullards like her and her ilk.
Myth of drug expiration dates.
When Democrats flee.
IT Staffer for House Democrats Imran Awan. Take a bow.
Debbie has her greasy prints all over it.
Hey, what did you do to MUH NYT? This makes too much sense. To the logical, the benefits of private financing is obvious. Not so much for others.
Oh, that's more like it. Phew. Speech is violence routine is right up there for their pseudo-intellectual disposition.
It's good Quebec wants to fight corruption, but unless its institutions are up to the task, UPAC will over step its boundaries as it looks to expand its powers.
The crisis enveloping Quebec’s anti-corruption police following last week’s arrest of a National Assembly member deepened Tuesday as the Speaker of the legislature warned of a threat to democracy.
Addressing the legislature concerning the arrest without charges of Guy Ouellette, Speaker Jacques Chagnon called the situation “intolerable” and said he has not seen anything like it in his 32 years in politics.
“A parliamentarian must enjoy the full freedom to do his job, whatever subject of interest he is pursuing, including the work of the police. He must be able to do it calmly and with peace of mind,” Chagnon said. “Police forces must be accountable to the responsible politicians and to the legislature; if not, the risks of a slide into totalitarianism increase greatly.”
Quick word on Quebec's knack for corruption and the notion that corruption happens everywhere. Indeed it does. But it's here we deemed it enough of a problem to set up an anti-corruption task force. I don't think it was because we're more committed to justice than anywhere else. Rather, it was out of practical necessity. It was just too blatant and in this way, Quebec is indeed the centre of corruption in Canada.
The first step to fixing it (or at least bringing it under more control) is to acknowledge it.
OC Weekly versus police:
"Hey, Huntington Beach PD: Did we do good in this world by reminding everyone that you still employ a dirty cop who has cost city taxpayers millions of dollars and inflicted death and injuries on innocents? Here's some advice: If you're going to roll with the pigs in the media mud, better learn how to squeal."
Other than not knowing we had 'Sharia compliant mortgages' in Canada (yikes!), one thing this story about Muslim Madoff shows there are cheats and criminals regardless of religion and attire.
One explanation why progressives resort to violence.
They also tend to project their violence onto other ideologies as we see though their bullying of libertarianism.
Recently, an unemployed, socialist anti-Trump man violently attacked Ron Paul and put him in the hospital. What do the left do? They take the opportunity to show case their intellectual short comings by attacking libertarianism. Apparently people with principled notions of private property deserve (literally) a beating if they go against HOAs and 'rules'. So blaming the victim it totes okay within this straw man. Paul is the bad guy.
The assault was alleged to be due to a landscape dispute. Whatever happened to 'when they go low we go high' and 'civil discourse' and all the other empty platitudes the left loves to spew?
And when they do acknowledge it's wrong, it comes with a 'to be sure' clause. GQ now publishes hot political takes too now. Sure why not? I look forward to Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay or Masterchef enlightening us all with their political options on the Food Network.
Like I often write on this blog, principals over principles when it comes to the progressive outlook.
In any event, tying a dispute between neighbours to ideology is stupid and you're an idiot for engaging in it.
As if these sorts of things happen because of someone's ideology. It happens every single day for endless and countless reasons across the continent.
Polifact. Use it at your own peril.
The TDS virus has infiltrated.
There is no electric car revolution.
The U.S. Department of Justice says two Iranian men who worked with someone pardoned by President Barack Obama have been charged with hacking a Vermont software company and stealing software that does aerodynamic analysis and design for bullets and GPS-guided artillery shells.
Court documents say beginning in 2007 the men worked to steal software from American companies with a third person, who was pardoned by Obama last year. The documents say in 2012 they stole software from South Burlington company Arrow Tech Associates by hacking into its computer system and then sold it in Iran.
An indictment of Mohammed Reza Rezakhah and Mohammed Saeed Ajily was announced Monday. Arrest warrants have been issued for the men, who are being sought.
The third person was Nima Golestaneh, who was pardoned by Obama as part of a prisoner swap with Iran."
Taxes are the price for civilization don't you know?And bikes are civilization as Oregonians are fining out.
Haiti official who exposed Clinton Foundation found dead.
Remember the movie The Firm? I await one called The Foundation.
Snopes, of all places, does a good job of breaking down TDS. To people not infected, it was all pretty obvious. Alas, people need our help. Obamacare doesn't cover TDS - for obvious reasons.
One of the symptoms of TDS is believing unsubstantiated stories about Russia.
It 'unhinges' people's better judgment. Researchers are looking for a cure to 'hook' their better sense up again.
"We're a few years away but we don't think there's a full cure' according to T.C.
The Southern Poverty Law Centre recently put Lauren Southern on their hate list.
In other words, they just added someone they merely disagree with. Personally, I don't see a) the need and b) what's so threatening about her.
However, I do agree with the notion the SPLC is extremely dangerous in its antics. Heck, I could be added for merely writing this given their low standards and threshold for such things.
Fusion GPS is shady as shady.
WWII photos celebrating its end.
No. Feminism will not solve sexism because, well, human nature and all that. That and the fact much of new wave feminism is rooted in mostly false narratives.
Sexual assault scandals in Hollywood (which isn't exactly representative of normal civil society) notwithstanding.
What it will accomplish - and some say it already has - is it will emasculate men further; or basically turn men into cucks.
Hollywood is good at lecturing us about morality despite the absence of morality in the industry.
It shouldn't surprise anyone about the sexual assault stories (although we should all proceed carefully so as to not let this turn into a wicked witch hunt without giving the accused their due process) in Hollywood but its arrogance of openly talking about assassinating Trump is beyond the pale.
And that includes jerk offs who try and justify it a-la Jack Moore of GQ when he offered the left-wing calculus of Libertarians = assholes = fair game for a beating.
I'm just glad there's a chance here to finally break the monopoly that exists in Hollywood. Just like blogging helped to democratize journalism and show that truth can't be funnelled into a few newspapers or news anchors (much to the chagrin of the gatekeepers and we see how they're lashing out), companies like Netflix give outlets to actors. The more of them, the better since it lessens any grip one person may have. All the power in one person inevitably leads to assholes like Weinstein.
Trying not to offend someone is an exercise in futility. No matter how hard or well-meaning you will always offend someone somehow. Which is why I don't shy away from unPC terms or vulgar language on this blog. No one owns words or phrases nor do they have the right to not be offended.
'Nigger', for example, is a word that we're free to use in proper context. We shouldn't over react when it is used to make a point or in some other acceptable capacity.
If you do this, you're just paving a path to hell.
Oh shut up.
People have debased the word 'impeach' like they did Nazi and racist.
Ethics Commission looks into Finance Minister Morneau.
If he does run afoul, all one can ask is 'wtf' followed by a face palm.
The lack of judgment and wisdom is the rule in Trudeua's arrogant government.
Hillary's secret take over the DNC.
But Trump is the tyrant who needs to be impeached kids.
It was nice knowing you Germany.
CNN repeatedly caught being hacks:
"The cases of misreported or erroneously reported major news stories begin to make you wonder, 'Are the news media just out there to get Trump,'" says W. Joseph Campbell, communications professor at American University and the author of Getting It Wrong: Ten of the Greatest Misreported Stories in American Journalism. "The relationship with the president is very tense and is very strained and very stretched, and probably more stretched than strained than it has been in the recent past."
KKK membership is anywhere between 3000 and 6000.
But the BBC felt it necessary to report on this fringe organization on the periphery of American life that no one pays attention to.
And what makes the BBC full of shit is they almost most assuredly know this fact.
If I'm the BBC I'd worry more about the violent left-wing screw balls and violent Islam in the UK. Unless George Soros has them by the balls too.
But hey. BBC, CNN, CBC. All part of the narrative network.
Hm. This is strange. I had this Douthat Tweet lined up but it has since disappeared. Did he remove it or did the tyrants at Twitter force him to?
I tried to link to it but it says the account was suspended and couldn't find it on his feed.
File under: Why I loathe Twitter reason 99599697.
One habit Justin has developed is to not answer questions in a forthright and honest manner. He dips, dodges, ducks and dives and isn't particularly good at it.
You want to smack that smirk right off, no?
Though the growth of his gun club is tied to national politics, Smith is careful to not focus his advocacy on the president or the NRA. He says his toughest critics, so far, have been others in the African-American community, who don’t see a strong correlation between the Second Amendment and a sense of full citizenship.
“I’m trying to let everyone know that you have the right – not the God-given right, but the right as an American – to carry a gun,” says Smith. “We have things to overcome in the black community in terms of what you believe you have a right to do as a citizen.
“My job is to convince people that it is not radical to have a gun ... to protect your family.”
Read here.*****
Democrats vs. Republicans occupations.
Oh look, Democrats dominate media and academia.
Here's my stunned pose.
It's about time someone educates the ignorant.
Whenever half wits like Jemele Hill make a preposterous statement it should be challenged at every turn particularly this 'owners own slaves' narrative.
Draymond Green - noted scholar and intellect - even got his licks in.
Until Mark Cuban laid it to rest with a simple damn fact: Companies own EQUITY; not people.
Now go take some business courses.
And you're damn straight they'd better start issuing apologies for their unsubstantiated claims. It's one thing to spew ignorance and quite another to impugn people's names or races with it. If you do, you will be justly challenged and called to cite or back up your argument with FACTS and REASON.
Green doubles down with is ignorance here.
Lines need to be drawn here because pretty soon these millionaire asses are gonna whine about the word 'owner' soon.
The other part about this is it harkens to Marx's economic systems that went from tribal to ownership to slavery to feudalism and to where we're at with capitalism. Of course, he asserts communism will eventually overtake capitalism.
Notice ownership is before slavery.
Is Green, wittingly or otherwise, suggesting we're going backwards?
Ideas to waste tax dollars on: Bailing out newspapers.
They made their lousy beds. Let them sink.
Journalists continuing to pretend they're objective despite their overt liberalism/progressivism and Democrat leanings points to how disconnected they are - and insulting.
Everyone should let their masks slip once and for all.
Say what you want about Fox but they admit they're conservative and it makes for a better product, more authentic and even competent and responsible.
Why didn't I think of that?
Economics deniers? I love it!
I kid.
It's a stupid term all around.
15 times Planned Parenthood caught helping a rapist.
There is a population explosion in parts of Africa and Macron was correct in his comments.
Alas, these are times where you can't say anything that is not part of the left-wing orthodoxy.
There was nothing racist in what he said.
It's just a fact.
Let's spot the pop goes the weasel word!
"...When the Dakota Access Pipeline was approved, that removed $6-7 per barrel of cost from producing oil in the region, which brought more investment and jobs here,” he wrote. “A number of people told me they had felt their livelihood was blocked by the government, but when (Donald) Trump approved the pipeline they felt a sense of hope again. That word ‘hope’ came up many times around this. One person told me the night the pipeline was approved, people lit fireworks and rode trucks with American flags down Main Street to celebrate.
"It's interesting to see this perspective when science overwhelmingly suggests fossil fuels contribute to climate change."
Aside from the smugness of the his comment - cute but don't these people know they're killing the planet because sciencey? - notice how it went from fossil fuels (and greenhouse gases) being the main contributor and with man its biggest threat to 'overwhelming suggests' it 'contributes to climate change. And climate, as we all know, changes. All the time.
Neat trick they got going there.
Shift, shift, move goals posts.
He musta fainted when he heard they celebrated when Trump opened up the pipeline.
I wish the widow of the American soldiers Khadr killed gets her wish but I doubt it.
A despicable move by the Canadian government.
Paradise Papers show trouble in paradise for Trudeau.
Par for the course. Protestors call for violent revolution.
They're nothing more than wannabe Marxists.
Dummy asks if her children can be friends with white children at NYT.
It's an infuriatingly depressing read but NYT readers love this racist garbage.
File under: Fall of the West.
Which is exactly what they want.
Losers in Seattle.
So the socialists in Seattle voted for an income tax on the rich.
Guess what's gonna happen as it always has for thousands of years?
That's right. They're going to move 'things around' and Seattle is gonna get jack shit.
And then guess what's gonna happen?
They're going to raid and steal from the population not deemed rich. They're coming after you next.
“No matter who starts out paying it, everyone will eventually suffer,” foundation CEO Tom McCabe said in the statement, warning that the tax would creep down the income ladder."
That's precisely going to happen.
"But Sawant insisted her only desire is to “tax the rich,” and Herbold said the legislation has been designed to give the city its best chance in court."
That's exactly what won't happen.
One of the most outrageous things to believe is that taxes are the price to pay for civilization. That's why you hear fools say 'I'd be happy to pay more taxes!"
More NYT faux-intellectual nonsense:
"Recently I took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch. Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop. Suddenly I saw her face freeze up as she was confronted with sandwiches named “Padrino” and “Pomodoro” and ingredients like soppressata, capicollo and a striata baguette. I quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and she anxiously nodded yes and we ate Mexican."
The douche is strong with this one.
Even a simple 150th anniversary the Trudeau liberals messed up with all their SJW bull shit.
Raimondo on Cathy Young and the Russophobia hitting the libertarian ranks.
One day they're gonna put in a book about how easy it was to fabricate the Russian narrative.
An interview with Nancy Fraser about 'progressive neoliberalism' and the need for a new 'progressive narrative' at Open Democracy. I don't agree with the progressive movement (as if you can't tell) but I appreciate the tone and reasonable position of Ms. Fraser. It's actually required for a healthy intellectual discourse lest libertarians and conservatives become complacent as I believe theirs to be the better option and have been clear winners in the halls of debate in my view.
Is Germany interfering in Poland's affairs by angling for regime change?
You're a bad man Governor Brown.
The evil of Chicago PD runs deep. What a rotten cess pool of unprincipled jerk offs.
How a man (and I use the term loosely) like Guevara who sent innocent people to prison looks at himself in the mirror and his family at the dinner table in the eyes is beyond me. He has no soul.
Here's hoping for karmic justice.
Obamacare's impact on business.
Well according to leftists you don't deserved to be in business if you can't give them your money. And apparently it's all lies:
Dennis Kucinich gets it. Democrats will lose this fight.
Comey's private memos on Trump contained classified material.
How the left lost its mind.
Religions and their political affiliations.
AS Roma and Uber strike a deal. Usual suspects don't like it.
Roma fans are known to have communist, erm, sympathies.
Another big government story looking to ruin businesses...and lives:
Leaders at the Texas Capitol love to bash what they call out-of-control bureaucrats at city halls and in Washington, D.C., but a recent case pitting the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission against Spec’s Wines, Spirits & Finer Foods looks like state regulatory overreach on steroids.
After an investigation of the state’s largest liquor retailer, the TABC sought to yank permits for all 164 of the company’s stores — which would effectively shut it down — or hit Spec's with fines of up to $713 million, according to court documents filed last week. The agency also put the company’s expansion plans on ice by freezing Spec’s new permit applications during the three-year probe, records show.
What did Spec’s, a family-run company based in Houston, do to deserve the business equivalent of the death penalty? That’s what a couple of Texas administrative law judges wondered last week.
They poured out the TABC like stale beer in a blunt 151-page ruling. The judges said TABC failed to prove dozens of allegations, rebuked agency lawyers for failing to disclose evidence to their own witness (and the court) and called out the agency for “stacking” charges, a tactic commonly used to pressure defendants into a settlement.
Government agencies like TABC use Mafia-like tactics to get their way.
Muslim groups call for boycott of Starbucks.
I don't see anything out of...Ohhhhh....
"Muslim groups in Malaysia and Indonesia have called for a boycott of Starbucks because of the coffee chain's support for LGBT rights.
Shhh. Don't tell progressives about this.
Of Women's Marches and Jihad.
That NBC reporter wasted everyone's time trying to pimp her network's narrative.
Journalism you can believe in!
Crony capitalism explained in New York.
Pope says America has a distorted world view.
I beg to differ.
Is Trump really draining the swamp?
The cuts proposed by the House Appropriations Committee this week amount to a year's worth of regulations under the Obama administration, said the report from American Action Forum."
Trump. Literally worst than Hitler.
******Scientists discover subatomic particle that may bind matter.
France (and the UK) looks to ban petrol diesel gas by 2040.
"ansB09 cynicalshrink
Anything that brings CO2 emissions down is good at this point in time. Moreover France will be reducing, not increasing, its dependence on nuclear energy. Meaning that the extra consumption will come from renewables. And the good thing about powering car batteries is that you can do so when there's lots of wind or sun; you don't necessarily need a baseload source of energy."
Sounds, erm, ambitious.
Good luck with that. I bet you they'll invent something better than EV's. In fact, that's the problem with all this tinkering. It absurdly assumes a linear thinking without any room for the inevitable innovation that will take place.
Nuclear energy is the best route but, well, you know.
File under 'Things that won't end well.
Can there be anything more infuriating.
Let that sink in. To shut down the beach because of politics is preposterous.
Let's see here. Turns over rock. Nope. Not white hispanic. Turns over another rock. No. Not a right-wing terrorist. Looks under another rock. La-dee-da. Not white
Who was black but that's a descriptor the paper of record would rather not mention leaving it to the picture in the article.
That people like Obama and other leftists declare something 'fake news' is something we should be highly skeptical, if not suspicious, of.
Obama's economic thinking in one paragraph:
"...Why did the food stamp program spiral out of control? The Obama administration believed that maximizing handouts would maximize prosperity: “Every $5 in new [food stamp] benefits generates as much as $9 of economic activity.”
Any questions?
"The central issue is solving the problems that people have in their everyday lives. Pace Maureen Dowd, Trump is actually doing that. Sure, everyone she “hangs with hates Trump.” But even as she screams about how “pathetic” and “nuts” Trump is, his administration is moving ahead on the issues that actually matter to people, from immigration and jobs to taxes, health care, and national security.
The Democrats believe that process, sufficiently leavened by the emotion of virtue, is enough to win power. Trump has understood that product matters more than process and that professions of virtue are hollow when unsupported by results."
Hillary and Russia. A case of projection on the part of the former.
Robert Naviaux from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine thinks that autism symptoms could be driven by a metabolic dysfunction, causing a breakdown in the communication between the brain, gut, and the immune system at the cellular level.
He attributes this dysfunction to the 'cell danger response' hypothesis, stating that the normal cellular response to injury or stress can sometimes "get stuck", and cause abnormal behaviour that leads to chronic disease.
"When this happens during early child development, it causes autism and many other chronic childhood disorders," says Naviaux.
This abnormal cell danger response could be maintained through purinergic signalling - the cell communication process that involves molecules like adenosine and ATP.
"...Suramin has been around since 1916, and is used in the treatment of the parasitic disease African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness).The first promising results came in pre-clinical mouse studies, when the researchers successfully reversed autism-like symptoms with a single dose of the drug. These studies paved the way to the first human trial, and the results are now in."
"...He also notes that even if suramin itself doesn't turn out to be the right treatment for ASD symptoms, these preliminary results might spark interest in the development of new antipurinergic drugs."Promising indeed.
Break from Derp!
Back! Hope you took a nice...moving along.
The open defiance we see is not one rooted in principles but in hatred of people who disagree with them. The Constitution means absolutely nothing to them. All they are consumed by is ramming their vision and ideology they mistakenly see as enlightened.
How can they be principled when they're willing to uproot and openly challenge a democratically elected official while using the bureaucracy and media to undermine him? Do they not see they very actions they use can be used against them down the road? How stupid are they?
They want a fight. Many a progressive have arrogantly told me so. 'Fuck them' as one put it.
There's no way to enter a reasoned and rational discussion with them.
They're anti-intellectual.
They're anti-humanist.
They're treasonous.
Democrats are not acting irresponsibly with Trump but they also have incoherent economic ideas.
Shared humanity versus ethnic identity.
Central Europe stand in defiance of EU on immigration.
Former DT of the Saskatchewan Roughriders and current scout of the Montreal Alouettes Marcus Adams:
“When Trump got into office, white supremacists got more confident, because they have one of their own in the White House,”
For once I'd like a reporter to reply, 'do you have proof?'
You're entitled to your opinion, sure, but to pass it as fact without evidence is plain wrong.
“That’s why you see these rallies happening so often. You didn’t see that very much, before. Racism never really left, but you see so much more of it. This is why athletes kneel.”
Again. Citation?
Canadian sniped kills ISIS terrorist from two miles away.
"Scientist who chaired International Agency for Research on Cancer monograph on glyphosate reportedly withheld data."
So far, it's been Hollywood celebrities embroiled in sexual assault scandals. Makes you wonder if it's only a matter of time a rock star is accused.
Marxism: A rebuttal.
Put down the Kung Pao and go to work.
U.S. issues arrest warrant for VW execs who cheated on the emissions standards.
Theater? Shakedown? Hypocrisy? All of the above?
Antifa opens self-defence gym.
Free country.
I guess.
Interesting judicial background on Trump's travel bans going back to 1972.
NYT editors decry layoffs.
Write better.
SPLC extremist list uses to silence speakers?
Steyn: Trudeau = Sock puppet.
People will die.
Life expectancy goes down under Obamacare for the first time in years.
Beverley Hills Antifa.
Men and women are not the same
John McEnroe has nothing to apologize for.
He wasn't being misogynistic or disrespecting Williams.
What was ridiculous was her response. That she never played a man somehow diminishes McEnroe's comments is not a rebuttal that negates his point.
Williams serve and forehand may over power women and all around game wouldn't be much of a challenge to a college player let alone one on the pro tour.
I'm glad McEnroe is sticking to his guns and not apologizing. He has nothing to apologize for.
He was right.
And this has nothing to do with Williams and her excellence.
Oh here's a surprise. The left find a way to praise a monster.
CNN worries too much about Trump and the press.
The lack of self-awareness on display by Acosta is something else.
Now they worry about freedoms?
DeVos looks to rewrite Obama era education policies.
So now it's courageous to forcefully and superficially raise minimum wage? I didn't realize theft is noble.
Right. It *could* be...Robin Hood and all that. Come on, T.C.! The rich steal everything from the working classes!
Courageous to the stupid.
Government crackdown on the homeless. Progressives who love government force have a sadz and are surprised they would turn on them!
The Progressive Liberal wrestler!
Is the world ready?
McCain's tumor is eating his brain.
Claims Paul now works for Putin.
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