
Generally And Specifically Speaking

Who has an advantage in this world: The Generalist or the Specialist?

Is there a better way to structure this question?


  1. Can you be more specific? I mean, in general.

  2. Well, Bret and I were having a discussion about what his porn start name would be (not "Buck Naked" as it turns out) and he stated it is usual to combine the name of your fist pet with the name of the street you grew up on, and thus I became "Rascal" (my first cat) Lee (the name of the street where I spent the most of my childhood years - though not all by any means).

    However, as I have no ambition to star in porn, I've decided to use it for blogging.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.