
Dem Dems

Looks like Nancy Pelosi and her band of heroes will get a chance to save the Republic and restore to its past glory.

Er, yeah right.

Now the Democrats (a.k.a as The Drifters) have a chance to leave an illuminating imprint on the great democracy. The only problem is that they really didn't deserve this victory. The Republicans gave this one away. Still, a win is a win. It will be very interesting to see what the Democrats do. They got what they wished for.

In the aftermath of the elections, it was amusing to peruse around the web and spot titles like 'The Word Weighs In' and see a picture of Hugo Chavez there. May as well accompany it with Lex Luthor and Gargamel or something. Like, who cares what populist pipi-heads from tupperwear countries (ok, Venezuela has oil. My bad) think about the election? Seriously. What's next? An insightful piece on North Korea's thoughts? Maybe Jackie 'Chinwag' Layton (how's that for movie star screen name? Jackie Chinwag!) would like to weigh in. Why not?

Still, medium strength questions must be asked! Will the world 'hate' America less? How will Bin Laden 'interpret' the result? Which Hollywood star will come back first?

My advice is don't stay up. You'll be disappointed. The poorly repackaged Democrats are simply not what they think they are cracked up to be.

Alfred E. Neuman said "What, me worry?"
Nancy Pelosi says, "What, us elected?"

"Um, Ms. Pelosi. That's a Fisher Price phone you're dialing."

Plus ça change...

I hope I'm wrong. Lord, I hope I'm wrong.

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