
The Shortcomings of Multiculturalism

Let's be frank here. Multiculturalism betrays the Canadian identity. In an effort to reflect the changing demographics of Canada, the concept of multiculturalism has been a work in progress that stretches back 30 years. During that time, it has become normal for Canadians to accept multiculturalism as a Canadian value.

Multiculturalism (similar to peacekeeping and public health) has proven to be somewhat of a misleading value. Yes, I realize that nationalists and Canadians who enjoy these images of Canada will dismiss my comments. I do not, to my conscious knowledge anyway, adhere to any special ideology. Rather these are my personal observations.

In high school I stood up and proclaimed that the UN was impractical and in need of a makeover and that multiculturalism would prove to be the final nail in the death of Canadian identity - whatever was left of it anyway. My teacher, naturally, was stunned. Only one other guy agreed with me and he was French-Canadian - you take your allies where you can find them. George Grant lamented that Canada was already gone way back in 1965 and it seems as though the next crop of Canadian leaders set to prove him wrong. Namely under the leadership of Pearson and later Trudeau who began to reinvent the country. It is under the direction of these men Canada sat at the table of great nations with an earned respect not seen since 1945.

Post- 1945, peacekeeping, public health, bilingualism, multiculturalism made up the core, indeed the heartbeat, of a renewed Canadian spirit. It has proven to be mere band aid and temporary repose to a deeper malaise. A sense that Canada never really nailed down its identity and purpose in the world. With it a society that slowly lost a sense of its independence as subsidies, unions and taxes - someone has to pay for these values - only served to make Canadians rely on government more to solve our problems. Did all this in fact erode our spirit? Is what's left just superficial pride rooted in empty rhetoric?

That's how the Conservative led by Mulroney came in and took yet another stance as defined by a closer integration with the United States. It also unleashed a second round of Quebec's independence movement and the birth of the Bloc Québecois.

During the World Cup people were calling in complaining that no one carries the Canadian flag. That Canada indeed is secondary in the minds of ethnic communities. These are justified questions only they were asked at the wrong time. Everyone runs to his or her heritage during a soccer tournament because Canada is not represented. I'll take it step further and single the CSA for its corruption and never selecting players that reflects the demographics of the country. Until recently the squad always brought burly, English- Canadians from Ontario and Western Canada that played an outdated brand of soccer. No commitment, no vision, no resources and no philosophy rarely say yes to success.

What are sports fans to do? If you're a car racing fan chances are you'll go Ferrari which hails from Italy. Same with cycling, the Olympics and so on. At least other countries are committed to excellence. Here in Canada it can be plausibly argued that it is not the case. After all, there's more to sports than just hockey.

In any event, the callers should point their complaints to our government. The ones who are sad that Canada Day celebrations are tame and unpatriotic affairs are the same people who cherish multiculturalism as some sort of tolerant progressive ideal. Yet, they act surprised when no one carries the flag. Dual allegiance is a tough gig. It is the country of Canada that encourages this act through policy. If anything, it is remarkable that I see any Canadian flags at all. There is no doubt communities across Canada believe in Canada so long as Canada does not interfere with them. When push comes to shove every other nation comes first.

In America, the melting pot theory is the secret of their success in integrating immigrants. Everyone that landed at the feet of the Statue of Liberty wanted to shed his or her Old World roots and start fresh. Such was the attraction and respect America commanded. Roosevelt once said that being an American is not about race, blood or creed but a matter of the heart and mind. American pride is real and it is deep. Italian-Americans may have celebrated the World Cup victory but the very next day they were Americans.

Another issue is the failure of Canada to brand itself in the eyes of Canadians. For example, the inability for it to develop its own indigenous economy with distinct and vibrant economic sectors. We complain that GM shuts down here never realizing it was never ours in the first place. Financials and resources are not enough. It's semi-diversified and it is saying we do things half-assed. Sure, there are several examples of Canadians making a splash on the international stage here or there or independent artisans that are sought after worldwide but this is fragmented in its nature. Canada has not bound together this fact, marketed it and taken advantage of it. We still often hear "She's from Canada?" or "A Canadian invented that?"

Some will smartly suggest we create a unified Canadian education system. The problem is that education falls under provincial jurisdiction and the provinces are in no mood to give back any bones given to them. The provinces are not interested in the greater good for all Canadians.
Plan B? Culture is not above marketing. I'm not referring to propaganda or illusionary Canadian content rules that prop up our culture. I'm talking good old-fashioned salesmanship. Canada has to figure out a way to connect culture to business.

A good start is to scrap multiculturalism, stop framing laws and policy on the basis of protecting one culture at the expense of others and refute all mediocre intellectual ideas that consider parochial and short-term angles. Time to revamp the civil service to produce an educated and enlightened special intellectual force similar to those that once existed in China and France. The civil service is the government's soul that reflects its people's culture. If they are not up to the task then, it should not surprise that neither will the people. Then again, one may astutely point out that it's the people who drive the nation and not the other way around.

Alas, we have to first purge and sweep the rot of ideas that exists in government first. Where's my mop?

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