
Trudeau And His Cabinet Should Do Us All A Favor And Just Resign

Finally the world is coming around to recognizing China is a rotten state committing acts of genocide against the Uyghurs. Next up, getting China to account for the Wuhan virus.

Parliament did the right thing to recognize it but in unsurprising move, the coward Trudeau stood with China.

The Cabinet weren't present and Marc Garneau abstained. 

They in effect showed themselves to be stooges of the CCP. Now we really know. Between the excessive Covid measures and this, Canada is in the hands of CCP sympathizers. 

Canada needs to regain its moral compass and we can start by asking this sorry bunch to resign.


Meanwhile. Trudeau has no problem attacking Canadian civil rights passing laws like a little weasel while Parliament isn't in session including the gun ban (that even the RCMP questions) and his idiotic travel ban as Tam continues to terrorize Canadians with a virus no one gives a shit about anymore.

Variants. Please.

What a sorry lot this bunch.

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